Omg i was playing Final Fantasy 9 and i got to this part on the 4th CD when u go to the Iifa Tree and that movie was SO KEWL but the music in the back was BETTER!!! I NEED THAT SONG!!! IF U CAN FIND IT THEN I WILL WORSHIP THE GROUND U TAKE LEAKS ON!!!!
Song = Final Fantasy 9 - Assault of the White Dragons
Have you tried jumping up and down kicking and screaming that you want your FF9 song? If not, might wana give it a spin.
I use to be a shoe shinner now I sip Aunt Jamima, I go to sleep in Europe and wake back up in China. CLUB 977 The 80's Channel!!!!! -winamp radio is heaven on earth
i dont wanna bweak it... i still pway it... see what im thinking is.. if i can get to the part where the song plays, like the movie, i could just save b4 it and try to do something with that. see, i got a gameshark, but its in japanese, so i just start the game with cheats, even if icant read it. im so
I found it on eMule, there are only 2 sources for the song though...if it finishes within this century, I'll upload it for you. However, the entire album is also available with a healthy supply of sources, but I ain't filling 400 mb of my harddrive for you buddy, sorry.
You can download it yourself though, just get eMule.
arg... i have the midi i want the MP3 version of it!!! but i cant upload it. i need to get it off a SITE cuz thats how it is for some reason. if i could, i would try to dl it with those p2p programs, but i get viruses from anything so i gave up on those. so just, like, tell me how to get it off the disk and upload it on a site or something cuz everyone on zelaron is 100%x+5 smarter than me