I posted this in another thread but the reason i put this here is so that people read this instead of banning based on poll results and i also think that this post should be heard by the ppl who want him to be banned.
(this talks about zaggon being banned and why i think he shouldnt)
Well i havent seen him really do nething wrong much.. he might annoy some ppl but im sure u annoy him .. its a vicious circle.. 1 gets annoyed and u annoy him back.. he tries to annoy u and u annoy him back .. keeps going like that until a group of ppl notice that "lets make the new guy the bitch" and pick on him then all the "bitch" wants to do is piss u all off cuz he is too lol... well i guess zagggon is the "Bitch" in this case but... I dont think he should be banned, hes cool with me .. i just think ppl should chill out.. including zagggon and post normal posts.. and if he really DOES piss u off then block him!... only reason he should be banned is if he breakes rules in forum.
So since there is a technicality i guess it means he shouldnt be banned.. technicality::
He is annoying some ppl but they annoy him but the thing is that just being annoying isnt enough to be banned.. just block the person .. thas why its there but
where the technicality works on his part again is that he didn't break the rules as far as i know.. and breaking the rules is the only reason to be banned.. think about it.. banning is the top punishement we can give and should only be used in a extreme case or as a last resort.

My sig won't show =/
Last edited by EX-Mania; 2003-06-24 at 11:53 PM.