None of us can argue that the Flame Forum hasn't degenerated into a forum for half-arsed playground insults -
yo momma fat! Yeah, well yours is fatter! Oooooh, buurrrrn...
I can just about remember the days when a new thread in the Flame Forum was something no-one wanted to miss. These days... who cares? The flames may start off nice and bright and hot, but eventually the impurities in the fuel causes them to gutter out and die down, which isn't helped by the fact that people come along and dump their own faeces on them.
I'd like to change that. Nope, I'm not going to pruposefully provoke people, and I'm not going to start a new account with which I can insult members. Rather, I propose the creation of a sub-forum to the Flame Forum in which commentary about threads can be made. For example, I've been cleaning up the recent
slaynish vs. -Spector-, moving the faeces to
Commentary on: slaynish vs. -Spector-. This leaves the original thread a concentrated flame upon which any self-respecting Chemist wouldn't mind heating their crucible, whilst giving the audience somewhere different to
ooooh and
aahh over the pretty steam wafting out from said crucible.
Granted, it won't do anything to make the playground insulters grow some balls, but it will allow them to swing their handbags without onlookers getting in the way of the hefty clouts, hopefully allowing for more ferocity in the swinging, and thus a much more satisfying thread to read.