Thread: Favorites
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Exclamation Favorites
Posted 2002-02-02, 09:52 PM
As an active Console/PC gamer, I have played through many-o-games in my life. It all started Christmas day at 5 years old. I opened up the present and to my suprise an NES. This started my later frowned apon obsession to gaming.

For the NES I would have to pick as my favorite game: Zelda (the first one). I spent so long playing this game.

SNES: Donkey Kong (forgot the name totally but Donky Kong the first snes one). I can beat this game in about an hour.

N64: Goldeneye 64. Playing this game with 5 other people in the room. Here's how we did it: we have 4 starting players on 4 controllers, when one person dies, one of the people NOT playing gets the controller. We kept switching off for at least 3 hours on Temple. At the end the cords were all tangled and we spent about 30 min trying to undo them.

Gameboy (Original, no color): Marble Madness. Sure it sounds really gay but in fact, it's a great strategy game in disguise.

PSX: Final Fantasy 7. This takes it all for my Favorite game of all systems. The story line is outstanding. I felt myself almost crying (don't laugh :] ) when Aeris dies. The impact this game did on me is incredible. This being the first game of the FF series I ever played, I had to play them all. So I went through all of them. I currently own every Final Fantasy that has been produced.

PS2: GTA3. This game takes Grand Theft auto and makes it very realistic. Whether you're stealing a car from an old woman, or beating a cop to death, you're always havin fun.

And that concludes my game system review.
This is every console I own not including the Original Atari that I haven't dared to open

Once again my favorite game of ALL time is Final Fantasy 7

If you're in a war, instead of throwing a hand grenade at the enemy, throw one of those small pumpkins. Maybe it'll make everyone think how stupid war is, and while they are thinking, you can throw a real grenade at them.
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X2D is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweenX2D is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between