Posted 2015-03-01, 04:43 PM
in reply to Skurai's post starting "Best method to not get caught;
Best method to not get caught;
cheap laptop/macbook/what have you + public wifi + daily trip to a different place + 1 download a day
Get a movie, never get caught.
...Your MAC address is likely recorded in all of those places via the router. They could trace back the infringement straight to your computer's network adapter.
A better way would be to get a proper VPN service. TorrentFreak just released their updated list recently. That will help to mask your router's MAC and thus actually providing some anonymity. Mind you this assumes you're using Windows, which has some lovely backdoors that the NSA is using. Not that anyone, including myself, actually cares. So take anonymity with a grain of salt. Also don't forget about super and zombie cookies.

Work List
疲れていますから 寝むってありますね。 むずかしいです。 また、ケーキ屋で ケーキを食べていました。
I've considered being a translator, but I dunno. It feels like a lot of work. If someone gets angry then I have to deal with it, you know? I'd rather just relax.
Speed Test
Favorite Anime/Manga
#01 Clannad ~After Story~
#02 Trigun {Maximum}
#03 Koi Kaze
#04 Berserk
#05 Outlaw Star
#06 Slayers
#07 Desert Punk
#08 Spirited Away
#09 Fullmetal Alchemist
#10 Shakugan no Shana
#11 Death Note
#12 FLCL
#13 Tokyo Magnitude 8.0
#14 Toradora
#15 Gunslinger Girl
Anime List