Posted 2015-02-18, 10:33 AM
in reply to D3V's post starting "After playing countless hours of..."
If there are an infinite amount of parallel universes then I would say yes, "God" is real and does exist in that universe. Since the roll of the dice was unlucky for God in this universe, he does not exist here. So.. he both exists and doesn't exist. That's not saying much though.. in another universe Hank Hill could be not only be real but also the Queen of England. God/Hank Hill/etc. are just variables that could be infinitely different.
Here's my pseudo code for answering multiverse questions
if ($something != real and $plane = $PresentPlane) {
$something = real where $plane = rand($PresentPlane * 0);
} |
//waits for mockery from WW/GLG/Mantralord
I suppose rand($PresentPlane * 0) could by an infinitesimally small chance come out to $PresentPlane so..
$plane = $PresentPlane;
if ($something != real and $plane == $PresentPlane) {
$something = real where $plane = rand($PresentPlane * 0) and
$plane !== $PresentPlane;
}; |
Still not sure if I have the correct operator syntax but its pseudo code anyway so I guess.. its correct in some universe

Last edited by -Spector-; 2015-02-19 at 04:01 PM.
Reason: Last edited by -Spector-; Tomorrow at 00:00 PM.