Posted 2012-08-30, 09:58 AM
in reply to Wallow's post starting "I found this SNL skit a couple days..."
Honestly, I don't mind the nudity as long as it is in the right context. For the setting of Game of Thrones, it's probably not inappropriate. Another good example is Spartacus: Blood and Sand/Gods of the Arena/Vengeance. Being set in the times of the ancient Romans, it's entirely appropriate for slaves to be sexually abused, and nudity/sex isn't really seen in the same light as it is these days. When used in this way, it serves to further bring the show to life and adds another layer of realism.
Beyond that, though, it would be pretty hard to form an argument that it's some sort of media conspiracy, considering it's really only an issue on premium channels. You could probably argue that the media does overly sexualize things, and I would probably agree. I think they are just catering to their audience, though. Sex sells, as they say.