Thread: Funny Poster
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Posted 2011-09-24, 12:55 AM in reply to WetWired's post starting "Funny, though I'm not sure about the..."
Yahoo! Answers said:
You have asked a great question! Jesus would never go to war, for example when Jesus was about to be arrested and they were about to take him into custody, the apostle Peter took a sword and cut off the ear of the slave of the high priest, Jesus healed it and said that all those who take the sword will perish by the sword (please see Matthew 26:52 & John 18:10).

Jesus also said you will know persons of the true faith by the love they have among themselves (please see John 13:35). Throughout history "Christians" go to war and kill their fellow members of their same religion and people of different religions, but Jesus said that we should even love our enemies (please see Matthew 5:44).

Peace to you.
The Holy Bible
I would probably tend to agree with the notion that Jesus wouldn't support war, in general. His "turn the other cheek" thing would probably imply as much. The only way I could really see Jesus being alright with war would be if his father were to somehow demand it.

In the context of the sign, I think it definitely applies. Jesus would almost certainly not support the "war on terror."
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