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Posted 2010-09-08, 01:15 AM in reply to Mdselctr's post starting "This shall reveal interesting..."
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
You: Dora straightened herself up and made a pose to Bill, who just nodded his approval. She proceeded to run off to her client. All she knew about this client was that he was sexually confused and liked to wear women's clothing and preferred the dancers to wear strap-on dildos. She'd had weirder requests, of course. Sportacus liked it when you shit on a glass table while he was under it and Baby Bop liked it when you walked on egg yolks barefoot while masturbating with a chili pepper with a purple condom on it. That last one ended up being a terrible experience, but damn did she get a ton of blow with the cash she got from then!
Stranger: why did you tell me this?
You: ~
Stranger: uh-huh..
You: There is more to the story
You: Shall I post?
Stranger: do i have to :P
You: That is up to you!
Stranger: i dont want too xD
Stranger: finee
You: No, no. It's okay.
You: You don't want me to, so I won't.
You: I'm respectful!
Stranger: lol
Stranger: okay
Stranger: thank you
You: Any time ~
You: So I sell propane and propane accessories. What do you do?
Stranger: whats proppane
You: It's a gas. I use it for operating sex toys. And barbecuing my sexuall repressed wife's shoes.
Stranger: oh,yay
You: It's a clean-burning fuel that doesn't leave the taste that charcoal does.
You: It is pure.
Stranger: ...
You: Are you...a charcoal user?
Stranger: indeed i am
You: Well this is just dreadful. >
Stranger: lol
You: How could you do this? Charcoal is...such an inefficient source of fuel! And it stinks! Propane is a fine mistress and she's clean-burning and so easy to use. And she doesn't char anything.
Your conversational partner has disconnected

You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Official messages from Omegle will not be sent with the label 'Stranger:'. Strangers claiming to represent Omegle are lying.
You: I lost my feet in 'Nam.
Stranger: why
You: I stepped on a landmine.
You: Goddamn Charlie was everywhere too!
Stranger: o
You: But I got the last laugh. I cut one of them bastard's ears off.
You: And probably fucked his whore wife.
You: I was drunk and experimenting with LSD at the time.
You: Who knows.
Stranger: where are you from?
You: I am from Texas.
Stranger: i am from china
You: Ni hao.
You: Nin hao ma, cockstain?
Stranger: nice to meet you ~
Stranger: i am a student , my english is not good
You: Ah, well, I'm not your typical stupid guiluo.
You: I learned some Chinese in 'Nam.
You: Mostly to pick up hookers.
Stranger: so i want to develop my english
Stranger: where is nam?
You: Vietnam.
Stranger: yes i konw Vietnam.
Stranger: why you go to Vietnam.
You: Vietnam War.
You: To shoot those bastard hanbaobao liuchan
Stranger: really?
You: Yes really.
You: I'm a decorated war hero.
Stranger: o my gard
Stranger: you were hero
Stranger: i like hero
You: Yes! I shot 100 men to protect my platoon after I stepped on a landmine.
You: Goddamn disgraceful day it was.
You: And let me tell you: don't have sex with hookers from Guangdong. They will give ya rotted dick.
Stranger: rotted?
Stranger: what?
You: Yes! Syphillis.
You: Terrible goddamn thing that is.
Stranger: o i know that
Stranger: do you have try?
Stranger: why you konw it?
You: But I once met this hooker that was from Shanghai. Goddamn gorgeous girl with long, flowing hair and a pretty smile. I got about fifteen blowjobs out of her before she went back to Shanghai with all my money. Her name was Yili.
You: Why do I know what?
Stranger: It was awful
Stranger: like you say
You: I was a medic, son. That's how I know.
Stranger: o you are doctor
You: 博士
You: Correct!
You: Well, I was.
Stranger: 博士?
You: Until my feet got blown the fuck off! So now I run a medical technology center out of Houston, Texas.
You: I don't know where that came from.
Stranger: what you doing now ?medical technology center out of Houston?
You: I teach people how to be doctors and to save lives.
You: And how to use medical devices.
Stranger: just like a angel
You: Nothing like an angel, son. Those don't exist.
You: Like a teacher.
Stranger: that' all right
Stranger: how do you think abobt china?
You: I have no opinions or thoughts on China as I have not been there.
Stranger: i don't think china is a good place here have so mush pretty pass
You: That's a shame, son.
You: I am going to bed now. It's been a pleasure, son. Don't step on any landmines like I did.
You have disconnected.

Last edited by KagomJack; 2010-09-08 at 01:48 AM.
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