Posted 2010-08-02, 03:46 PM
in reply to D3V's post starting "I can agree with you, it's just..."
I can agree with you, it's just completely speculation. That's the thing with conspiracies, there usually won't be any evidence to backup unsubstantiated claims, just opinions blown up to any unporportionate amount. The problem with conspiracies in general is people like the 'Zionist' group etc. can completely delegitimize any sort of relaistic argument made on the side of the conspiracy, when they start talking about free masons and the Illuminati controling the world's currency. It's a joke.
However, the insurance scheme was well documented and reported on, but the media never really looked into it as a whole.
You're referring to something completely different. There was a disagreement whether or not the attacks should count as a single occurrence or two separate occurrences (which would therefore allow two separate claims.) Nowhere in the article does it say anything remotely close to "the guy that owned the Twin Towers took out a multi-billion dollar insurance policy on each building a month before 9/11" or that he "went back into the paperwork and adjusted it to include 'terrorist attacks'."
The buildings were insured, yes; I don't see an issue with that. There was a dispute over whether the attacks counted as one claim or two; this also seems reasonable. So other than those two facts, you're basically making a bunch of unsubstantiated claims.