Well if any of you keep up with SouthPark you might already be aware of the 200th episode that aired a week and a half ago. The 201st episode aired this previous Wednesday but was filled with additional censors and bleeps from Comedy Central.
As of now, the video still cannot be streamed online, and here is the statement:
SouthPark Studios said:
We apologize that South Park Studios cannot stream episode 201 at this time. After we delivered the show, and prior to broadcast, Comedy Central placed numerous additional audio bleeps throughout the episode. We do not have network approval to stream our original version of the show. We will bring you a version of 201 as soon as we can." So there you have it, I guess. The bleeps were added after the fact and against the show's wishes—which really makes you wonder what was being said in that last scene. Hopefully we'll have more clarification on this later
Matt Parker and Trey Stone interviewed about the episode here:
I personally saw the 200th episode which is the first half of the two part story. I actually found it to be very clever as usual, and pretty insightful to the hypocracy of what's going on with censorship, and the muslim extremists. Not only has South Park made fun of other religions in audaciously offensive ways (Buddah snorts a line in the 200th episode) that the fact Comedy Central is caving into these violence threats are absolutely stupid.
Updates on South Park 201 Episode Censorship Issues – The controversial tv show South Park is still getting its limelights today with its issue of censorship in its story line while airing at the television.
The Episode entitled “201” that involves the Prophet Muhammad which was shown last Wednesday live at the Comedy Central gave an issue and afterwards an image blocks reading “CENSORED”.
This was due to a warning given by a Muslim group to the creator of the shows that they could have faced a big problem for depicting the Holy Islamic prophet.
Afterwards, the new episode of “South Park” on Wednesday night tried to revisit this character, but with the name and depiction of the character blocked out.
“After we delivered the show, and prior to broadcast, Comedy Central placed numerous additional audio bleeps throughout the episode. We do not have network approval to stream our original version of the show.”
On the other hand, the day after the showing date, Thursday morning, a spokesman for Comedy Central confirmed that the network had added more bleeps to the episode than were in the cut delivered by South Park Studios, and that it was not giving permission for the episode to run on the studio’s Web site.
Where we are at now. South Park's fans got angry that Revolutionmuslim.com posted these 'death threats' that they hacked the site within 24 hours of them being posted. You can take a look at it for yourself, I'm sure it's still down or being mirrored elsewhere. (THANKS /b TARDS)
What do you feel about this situation? Should Comedy Central have bowed down to the extremist views? Should the person(s) responsible for the threats against the show's creators be charged with anything?
It's a mess that still hasn't been sorted out, and here we are almost another week later with nothing have been changed.