Posted 2010-04-22, 10:18 PM
in reply to Hayduke's post starting "Heh. Mmk dev. I know all the good..."
So make another character, level through different zones, profit? I mean, you're saying you loved leveling your character but you were a bit let down by level 80. Sounds to me like you would enjoy making another character rather than continuing to play your rogue. The natural response to that will be, "but then I've wasted all of that time getting the rogue to 80 and I'm leveling another character when I could be making my already-level-80 character better!!!!11" But ultimately, all that matters right now is right now, and if you aren't having fun right now you should find a way to.
But seriously, I've leveled up 1~60 horde side 3-4 times and I've basically gone different routes each time. I still have yet to level an alliance character past 20 or so and have plenty of content to explore on that side when I choose to. The point is, the game has a lot more to offer than level 80 and level 80 content, and even then it offers everything up to raiding on a SILVER PLATTER. The dungeon finder is STUPIDLY easy to use and makes doing dungeons almost too easy. You can group with people from other servers, you teleport straight to the dungeon, you can teleport out and back in at any time if you need to buy/sell stuff, etc... If anything, Blizzard has made WoW incredibly accessible to the casual player now. With the exception of a few raid dungeons, there's nothing in the game I can't experience with little/no effort. I mean, I could go get on my character right now and do a level 80 heroic dungeon in less than 30 minutes and log off for the night if I wanted to.