Posted 2010-04-02, 11:11 PM
in reply to Sovereign's post starting "Ah! My Goddess Season 1
Romance /..."
Inuasha Season 3
Fantasy / Shonen
Animation: A-
Story: B-
Dub: Acceptable. Saw it on adult swim. B-
Sub: B
INUYASHA!!! KAGOME!!!! INUYASHA!!!! KAGOME!!!! It was a long running joke between my friend Dwayn and I. In the past, I remember CONSTANTLY poking fun at this series, saying its **** and that I'll never watch it. It was simply too long and at the time, I wasn't really making that much money working 18 hours a week at an office max.
Fast forward a couple years...
Through someone's suggestion (I think it was THEM anime reviews or something), I watched Maison Ikkoku. I loved it. I shelled out WAY too much for the full series on dvd form (Curse viz and their out of print dvd's. I WANT MY ORANGE ROAD!), but I was hooked. I learned on those fateful days days that Inuyasha's manga can actually write a good story... and I became curious how inuyasha and ranma were...
Well ranma was pretty bad. The jokes got stale, and the retarded characters annoying... but I digress. That's for another review date if I can ever force myself to finish the 4 unopened seasons and ova / movie boxes I have. I decided to give Inuyasha a try and now I'm going to waste probably over 300 dollars finishing my collection of the dvd's.
The animation for something that spans some 180+ volumes is pretty solid. There are the repetative still fran pan shots here and there, and it's no Clannad, but for what it is it works.
The comedy in the series is interwoven pretty smoothly into the story. From Kagmone's OSUWARI to Inuyasha constantly beating the crap out of Shippo, the humor is there in a decent ammount. It's nothing that will blow you off your chair laughing, but without these humorous moments, the series would just be too... serious... and boring... like if Berserk had no Puck. Just fight fight fight power up power up train fight fight.
The character relations are steadily building up nicely. A lot of the characters are evolving (For lack of a better term... I almost wrote for back of a letter term. **** dyslexia!) Hentai Monk Miroku and Sango seem to be hitting it off rather nice, and a little flame seems to have started between them. I love how Seshomaru is starting to soften up a little.... It's amazing what one little mortal girl can do to a full fledged demon. I won't spoil any more! Of course there is also Inuyasha and Kagome. They clearly want to have consensual sex in the missionary position, but we have a love hina effect where both sides vehiamently deny their feelings and just act like idiots. It's ok for now. We'll see if t gets annoying later on.
So far I've only picked up on a few things that I dislike about the series. First and foremost is it's length and the fact that it's not fully released in the US. The final act just finished in japan and god knows how long I will have to wait to see it on my dvd player. Second is the lack of damage the characters get in fights. If you've read my Rin review, you'd know that I hate dumbed down violence. If you get impaled through the chest by a spider arm, you are going to bleed profusly. ALl inuyasha ever gets is a little stain on his shirt. I know since this is aimed at a younger audience that they can't really put full on splatter effect. But one can hope. I'll just have to watch Hellsing OVA to make up for it.
Overall suggestion: It's entertaining. If you have money to spare I'd definitly check it out. Buy a season and give it a test run. It's a good way to pass time.
Next w... wait. I completely forgot! Rather, I tried to force myself to forget... that I also watched the Second bleach movie! I should have just gone to bed and gotten that extra hour and a half of sleep that night.
Bleach Movie 2
Animation: D
Story: D
Dub: Didn't watch
Arent movies supposed to be higher budget then series? The whole movie was fuzzy as all hell. The fight scenes were really not that spectacular, and the story sucked.
Here we have Genious Boy Toshiro running away from the Gotei 13 to aprehend some ghost from his past, captains loosing in battles that they should have no problem with, and story that is not explained well, and makes no sence to begin with.
Overall Suggestion: Avoid. It has nothing to do with any of the major non filler story arcs, and will never ever be referenced in the Bleach Universe again.
Next up: Either A!MG season 2 or Strike Witches.