Posted 2010-03-29, 08:50 PM
in reply to Sovereign's post starting "Bleach Season 3: Bount Arc
Action /..."
Ah! My Goddess Season 1
Romance / Light Comedy / Supernatural
I'm really tired so I hope my half dead brain is making sence here...
Animation: A
Story: A-
Dub: Once again forgot it even had a dub... I just instinctivly hit 2 buttonts and it goes to japanese with subtitles... heh... heh....
Sub: A
AMG is a rather unique find in the Media Blasters catalog. It's not porn. It's not old. It's not low budget!! (In before MEDIA BLASTERS LICENSES QUALITY CONTENT! It's a joke, relax).
There really isn't anything epic in this series. No 300 fps animation scenes, no epic fights like in banner of the stars, but what it lacks in epicness it makes up for in a constant stream of interesting entertainment.
The main thing I liked about this series was the rather unique storyline. It's not a recycle of stuff like Love Hina (Which I love non the less...) where the character relatonships are molded around 'bad timing' and Tsundere hate. You wont be watching the whole series till the end just to find out they never even say I LOVE YOU to each other. YOu don't have random people dying for no reason other then to add drama to the series, or people getting hit by trains, or even spaceships!!!!
The art is good and the animation very clean and smooth. I could not easily spot any 'quality' scenes during my watching of this series. The japanese language track did a very good job selecting people for their roles. Belldandy sounds exactly like she looks. A very very caring and beautiful lady.
Overall Suggestion: A fun series. I'd recommend buying it. The complete collection for season 1 is out by Media Blasters and the season 2 set is going to be re-released by Funimation some time in June. The Individual disks for season 2, except for volume 5, are available on clearance on Rightstuf.com. The disks are from ADV before they ceased operation, so collectors should go grab them now! You can even get a pretty collectors box too if you buy them individually! Welll, at least I'm excited about that.. Both box sets are dirt cheap too. You have no excuse!
Up Next:
Inuyasha Season 3.