Posted 2010-03-19, 02:19 PM
in reply to Sovereign's post starting "Took a break from school rumble to..."
School Rumble
Comedy / Half assed retarded romance / high school
Animation: B+
Story: D+
Dub: Did not watch
Sub: A+
I really, really hate overly retarded anime characters. I really do. I really really hate non conclusive endings. I really really really hate romances that go nowhere. School Rumble has all of these and more. Why did I even watch this? Because I was hoping something would develope between Eri and Harima. Nope. No go.
The relationships in this series are all freaking stupid. I know this isn't really a romance series but come the **** on. Tenma likes this weird, airheaded moron. Harima Likes Tenma but the feeling isn't really mutual, so you get a lot of stupid misunderstandings where Harima will think Tenma is doing something because she loves him, when in reality her true intention is something completely different. So... for 40+ episodes, all I am treated to is a bunch of misunderstandings that never end. Great.
The one plus side to watching all this nonsence with the story was the art. It was cute. Fanservice was lacking with the exception of a couple of scenes, but there were a fair ammount of Chibi scenes and a ton of those weird facial expressions that anime characters make that could never physically be done in the real world. The voices were also very nicely done.
Overall: This series really did have a lot of potential but in the end it just fails. All it really has going for it is the occasional cute art and the voice actresses. Really, I wouldn't recommend spending money on this unless you are REALLY bored and enjoy series that just never go anywhere.
I don't know if it's just me or not, but it feels like most of the new series now a days all suck. You'll get the rare good one once in a while, but the rest all either have retarded confusing story lines that leave millions of unexplained backstories, or just Moe **** that has no story whatsoever and is just plain stupid. I'm looking at you lucky star. Anime companies need to take a look at some older licensed and rerelease them in the US... but enough with this half asleep rant.
Next up: Bleach - Bount Arc
I have work in 7 hours. I am so going to be dead tomorrow. Ah well, I need SOMETHING to wash the rage out of my system after watching School Rumble. A bankai or two should help.