Posted 2010-03-19, 02:17 PM
in reply to Sovereign's post starting "Maze TV
Action / Comedy / Fantasy
Rin ~ Daughers of Mnemosyne~
Action / Mature
Animation: A
Story: A to start... fell down to C- towards the end
Dub: Didn't watch
Sub: A+
Rin is a step in the right direction for anime. It's a show aimed at mature audiences and it gets treated as such. There is lots of blood, lots of killing (some character dying multiple times in quite violent manners), sex, nudity, hermaphrodites, and everything else you see lacking from an anime market that is saturated with this moe shi t like K-ON and Lucky Star.
I really liked how all the violence was portrayed. There were scenes of people with their abdomens sliced open for all too see, people getting shot in the head at near point blank range, and limbs being shot and chopped off in great detail. Don't get me wrong. I'm not a fan of overly senseless violence, but if someone is about to be shot in the head or in the case of Rin in one of the episodes, shot through a freaking jet engine, I expect to see blood. Bloodless attacks and shadow silhouette deaths can go to hell.
The one huge thing that I didn't care for was the HUGE time period this 6 episode OVA went over. It starts sometime in 1990 and goes all the way to 2050 or somewhere around there. We went from Mimi going from a 50 mhz computer with a 300 mb hd, to her just waving her hand and a little pda like hologram would just appear for it. Given the length of the OVA, this just made the whole series seem like it was taking HUGE quantum leaps into the future.
Overall: Buy this! It's something different from the watered down 'action' that most series are today. You wont find steam, special Japanese regional light physics, bloodless deaths, watered down gun fights, or cover crows here.
UP Next: I really don't know. Maria Holic Came in today. Along with Nabari No Ou. To Love RU set 2 is waiting... so is Inuyasha (yeah lol stfu kthx) ssn 3. I was also rewatching bleach too.... ugugugughghghg I don't know. I have to be up in 6 hours. I'll figure this crap out later.