Posted 2010-01-06, 10:18 AM
in reply to Xenn's post starting "I don't think regular HDTVs can display..."
Well, hmm looks like there is some investigating to do.
3D is obviously going to be the wave of future TV, let's not forget 1600p TVs that are set to be out soon as well. Who knows what type of compatibility will be needed but just the fact they are pushing for it and the time has come is great IMO.
Here is the 3D Television market forcast up to 2018.
3D-ready monitors will grow from 40K units (0.02% penetration) in 2009 to 10 million (3.6% penetration) in 2018.
3D notebook PCs are forecast to grow from 66K units (0.04% penetration) in 2009 to 17.7 million (3.2% penetration) in 2018.
Mobile phones will be the largest 3D display application on a unit shipment basis in 2018, with 71 million units with 3D capability.
The largest screen size category for 3D display shipments will be 1-4.x”, due to demand from mobile phone and digital camera/camcorder applications. The second largest size range will be 40-49”, due to TV, public display and 40+ monitor applications.
LCD will be the primary display technology used for 3D displays, as a result of its wide range of display applications ranging from small mobile phones to large public displays and TVs.
Eyewear will be necessary for most 3D applications for many years to come, due to the limitations of auto-stereoscopic (no glasses) technologies.
DisplaySearch forecasts there will be more than 7,000 new 3D cinema screens installed in 2010 and an additional 9,000 in 2011.

!King_Amazon!: I talked to him while he was getting raped
[quote][16:04] jamer123: GRRR firefox just like quit on me now on internet exploder[quote]
[quote=!King_Amazon!]notices he's 3 inches shorter than her son and he's circumcised [quote]