Thread: 2009 bmw z4
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Posted 2009-10-28, 10:05 PM in reply to Sum Yung Guy's post "2009 bmw z4"
Sum Yung Guy said: [Goto]
What an amazing driving experience... I have been driving this around since last wensday and I am seriously thinking about saving up 50k just to buy one for myself (I am renting it for vacation).

I have reached 260 kph (161.6 mph) with it on the autobahn. The handling is perfect around curves. Acceleration is 0-60 in 5 seconds. Oh and it a HARD TOP convertible, meaning this is what it looks like before and after:

IMG removed to save space

IMG removed to save space

The car does some crazy Transformer shit and stuffs the hard top into the trunk.

That is all I have to say about this subject. Farewell.
Welcome to the world of BMW.
Also, even if you don't get this, please stay away from Mercedes...

EDIT: Also, how long does the drop top take to drop? I read that on some cars, it takes almost a minute... that's too damn long... Isn't it about 15-20 seconds or something like that?
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