Posted 2009-08-25, 06:10 PM
in reply to Grav's post starting "I genuinely laughed at that last one"
Stranger: I ish a unicorn :P
You: Hello..
Stranger: How are you human?
Stranger: do not forget to take the bananas if you dont want to get in front of the fox
You: Okay
Stranger: wise choise mate
Stranger: ...zzz...
You: *dream*
Stranger: mu?...ah..sorry, i fell, asleep, you know youre boring
You: oh.. : (
Stranger: you should be ashamed of wasiting the tim of the unicorn
You: *hug*
Stranger: what are you doing to my leg?
You: You have good unicorn legs.
Stranger: thank you
Stranger: got some unicorn stuff to do c ya
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
[ ... ]
Stranger: like candy?
You: yes, sweetheart
Stranger: I have obtained you I.P address, and the cops are on their way, good day, sir.
You: *smacks you*
You: how dare you talk to adults like that.
Stranger: I'm actually a F.B.I cop.
You: Are you a christian cop, little girl?
Stranger: you sir, are going to jail for along time.
Stranger: Sex predator
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
You: .
Stranger: hi
You: Hello..
Stranger: hi
Stranger: from where?
You: male.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Stranger: hi
Stranger: wats up?
You: Hello..
You: Do you really want to know?
Stranger: sure
You: And, why?
Stranger: y not?
You: That does not count as an answer.
You: You do not know how to answer the query.
You: Please try harder.
Stranger: i want to know ur state of mind
Stranger: is tat fine?
You: You shall never know.
Stranger: okies
Stranger: so wat brings in u here?
You: You do not know how to compose messages correctly.
Stranger: fucker wat do u know tell me
You: Not much.
Stranger: asl plz
You: Male.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
