I think I met my long lost brother.
Stranger: hey there
You: Watch out for that puppy.
You: ....

Stranger: oh okay
Stranger: hahaha
Stranger: ?
You: Ok, that's a double, 2 medium fries, and a shake, right?
Stranger: no i want a chicken pattie and waffle fries FO FREE
You: Oh shit son!
You: That'll be nothin' at your 12th window!
Stranger: gigity
Stranger: i like ur way of smiling
Stranger: its yellow
You: Orly?
Stranger: yeah girlfrand
You: w00t!
Stranger: im bored
You: That's why the toilet was invented, silly.
Stranger: ohhhhhh
Stranger: i do love the porcelain god
You: That's racist!
Stranger: no ur rasist
Stranger: i like pickles
You: I am not racist, you nigger!
Stranger: dont call me a nigger
Stranger: u poop face
You: That's what SHE said!
Stranger: no thats what the dog says on tuesday evenings at 4:86 ap
You: exactly 4:86?
You: is he ever late? Like on an off day or something?
Stranger: and 9dsevent 4 seconds
Stranger: yeah
You: beast mode.
Stranger: hes sometimes a bone off
Stranger: DIRTY MOUTH?
Stranger: clean it up with orbit
You: Dirty anus? Clean it out with Oxy Beans!
Stranger: i just cumed on the computer
Stranger: now i cant see what i type
You: Cum on the computer? Spray it away with skeet-b-gone!
Stranger: oh
Stranger: i got a can of that in the basement
Stranger: damn it
Stranger: its out

Stranger: ill go get the mule to lick it off
You: Good idea!
You: I'll get the lawnmower.
Stranger: i have 6
Stranger: i win
Stranger: byebye