Zelaron freestyle
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Posted 2009-05-19, 11:29 AM in reply to
's post starting
"how so/"
Gettin on my browser and goin to zel
Tried gettin to my computer and almost fell
Must be those xanax I just ate
Oh shit now I'm going for jail bait
Time to pop a couple more in sight
Nothing wrong if I don't remember right?
Blaze up a blunt and add some spice
It's an asian bitch maybe I'll buy her some rice
I'm stumblin from side to side
Intoxication is nothin' to hide
I can't even tell up from down
But I must be doin somethin' right, by the way she sounds!
Almost there just a bit more
She's got no idea what's in store
Finished up, now back to zel
I've got one hell of a story to tell
Last edited by -Spector-; 2009-05-19 at
11:35 AM