Thread: Progress
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Posted 2009-04-15, 12:08 PM in reply to Grav's post "Progress"
Grav said: [Goto]
My 1 rep max for bench press hit a new high of 205 lbs today. (I'm not sure how that is calculated, but I did 165x8.) My goal is to be able to do 205 lbs for six reps in a month. Not sure if I'll get there, but it's a good goal nonetheless.
That's not too bad, about where i'm at I'd say. That calculator is one thing though, not everyone's conversion works that way. Because I can do 135 like 16 times but can't bench 230, yah know? But that's good to hear, how long you been working out now?

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[quote][16:04] jamer123: GRRR firefox just like quit on me now on internet exploder[quote]
[quote=!King_Amazon!]notices he's 3 inches shorter than her son and he's circumcised [quote]
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