Posted 2008-06-28, 02:24 AM
in reply to Coffeedagger's post "Paranormal and Conspiracy Thread"
What's everyone's views and opinions on paranormal occurances and possible conspiracies related to these? Things like UFOs, Bigfoot, Loch Ness Monster, etcetera. I'd like to see what others think before I post, ya know so people just don't think i'm gullible and believe anything.
we're all freaky Jenova-type experiments made by aliens. That's why they watch us with there crazy UFOs.
Big Foot -
a Big monkey. So?
Loch Ness Monster -
anyone ever play ape escape? I think It was number 2, you see a dinosaur in this really rainy area, that's about the same as Loch Ness...
not gonna bother trying to spell it, Mexican Goat eater -
Probably a demon or something...
Ghosts -
...they're Ghosts...
Other stuff -
it's all real, and if not, then life is boring.