Posted 2008-04-11, 03:21 AM
in reply to -Spector-'s post starting "This is a somewhat long post which..."
-Spector- said:
It goes against the laws of physics.. for ghosts to go through walls
Not entirely true. See quantum tunneling.
Theory #2:
I think some people are Religious simply because they're scared. It's almost like insurance.... "Just in case" There's a God (For Christianity), I'll be a Christian so I don't have to go to hell.
Sounds like Pascal's wager to me.
Theory #4
Shit, how complex our body is and the way the world recycles itself perfectly. I don't see how people could of just came from "Primordial Soup." Take just the eye for instance, its so complex, or even the brain! To have a mind... I don't see how a bunch of rocks blowing up could create such perfect beings.
And what really gets me is, stars/rocks in space aren't living, so how would something living come from something that wasn't living?
There are rocks in space covered in organic matter, however. For instance, there was an asteroid which had many different amino acids on it. We know that these weren't terrestrial since they weren't the stereoisomers you find on earth. And seeing how life comes from non-life isn't that difficult to at least speculate about. For instance, RNA serves as an excellent candidate for proto-life. It carries genetic material, and is capable of catalysis.