Thread: Customization
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Posted 2007-10-10, 07:16 AM
Why not?

I've somewhat brainstormed (not really) an idea that we could throw onto here, maybe give people on the boards more 'personality'.

For starters, you could create an album/folder/whatever to store pictures in, they could be available via the Username link, and just have a subfolder/gallery for the pictures, as well as change up the Biography part of the page to be more personable, allowing to elaborate a bit more on each category, and maybe even change up the color/settings of it, something along those lines.

Basically, i'm really just suggesting adding an album for people to post pictures up on, not as much to turn it into a myspace type area or anything, but just a bit more personable place to host a few pictures, i'm not sure on your bandwidth or space that you have available, so if this is out of the question feel free to shoot it down.

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