Thread: Terraforming
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Posted 2007-06-25, 05:27 PM in reply to Vollstrecker's post "Terraforming"
Vollstrecker said:
For those unfamiliar, the act of Terraforming is defined as:

(Further reading can be done at

The question I have is this: Do you feel that attempting to (or perhaps successfully) changing another planet's ecology into a form that would be capable of sustaining human life would be ethical or immoral?

I figure this might get some activity.

No we aren't playing the "role" of god or anything of that matter, I think there would be nothing wrong with it what-so-ever, even if you try to play the card of ethics, then you could in-turn say that everything was placed for us to use, not to leave untouched, we need to take advantage of these places eventually to continue our survival.

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