Thread: i fucking hate.
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i fucking hate.
Posted 2007-03-17, 05:23 PM
Newcastle,AU. walking thru the mall here and 3 guys for no fucking reason at all jump me and beat the fuck out of me with my braces in. my teeth get messed up. and the only thing holding on most of my teeth are the braces. end up with a fracture on oneside which goes up thru both joints and the other side is fully broken. on soft foods for a month which totally sucks. and my lip is hell swolen. good thing is tho i had a mad tub of hot gravy with my chips managed to make one of the guys fall from chucking it at his face. and broke 3 knuckles on another guys face. i get out of any charges. the guys have been charged but are going to court again in 2 months. eeeeep. talk
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