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The meaning of existence?
Posted 2005-10-30, 07:28 PM
First off, I hope this is in the right forum. If not, it can be moved to wherever it would be necessary.

Second, I just got struck with a popular question: What is truly the meaning of our existence? It's a great philosophical question that man has been trying to answer ever since the ancient Egyptians 9000+ years ago. Is it something that is objective or is it subjective? Does it have to do with the supernatural, spiritual, or just something that is neither? If there is no definite meaning to life, then why do we even bother to carry on with our existence then? Is life not pointless then?

Third, my view is this: the true meaning of our existence is to just live. That's the subjective viewpoint for humanity on a whole, though. For me, as an individual, it's to at least find someone I'll love, at least just once, and to experience all the fruits and pains of life. Not every single one that can be experienced, but just the ones that I can without too much problem.

So, post what you feel, think, or claim to know about the true meaning of existence. There truly is no right or wrong answer, for they all somehow make up a whole piece that has the answer.
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