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Posted 2005-08-15, 08:25 PM in reply to ZelaWire's post starting "Yup, thats exacly why. I guess I am..."
ZelaWire said:
Yup, thats exacly why.

I guess I am banned for good. If anyone owns a vBulletin forum, just get in touch with me; I'll send you the synthesis skin. It will be avalible to about 25k members by tomorrow. I'll also make sure to recode it for 3.5 as well.
LiveWire, thank you, those words of yours would look very nice in a copyright infringement lawsuit, should there be one. You keep claiming that you have downloaded it publicly, although, as old Zelaron members may remember, you have previously "ripped" Synthesis in a less successful way. Oh, but let me guess, you downloaded that less successful rip as well?

Wait a second, maybe these words sound familiar?

"Well i know this isnt much, and i prolly been a pain in the ass for rippin your style and stuff. But i bought a while ago and i really have no use for it at all. So i thought i would go ahead and give you the name. i have it pointed to right now so. Go to and click on the "My Account" link and sign in with this info and you can have that account for free with the domain name."

That's right, they're your words, LiveWire. Suddenly your claim of having downloaded the style from a "public location" do not seem equally valid. If you were pursued into tell us of the source of your Synthesis theft, you would just upload it to some site that appears to be someone else's, would you not? I believe your threat mentioned above of publishing Synthesis to "about 25k members" speaks for itself. We don't like thieves and liars on Zelaron forums. But thanks for the domain, although it expired.

On another topic, I don't have nearly as much time for forum browsing these days, and it will become even worse as of next week as I start art school with no internet access from Monday thru Friday.

4:25 am, time to sleep.
Thanks guys.
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