Posted 2005-06-02, 01:46 PM
in reply to Grav's post starting "Officially entered into Honor's Society..."
Well yesterday at work I had a discussion w/ a co-worker about life, college, taxes, and credit. It depressed me, then angered me, cause I realized that now I have to take on even more responsibilitys and I hate responsibility! Despise it. I have enough, I don't need to pay taxes and worry about this intangible ludacris credit society is based on. Plus he reminded me that I really don't have any plans in life, which I don't really need, but it makes me wonder if I do. He also told me that I would probably be elligable for Pel Grants for college if I wanted to go, but I would have to go before the year is up because otherwise I would be making enough money to not be elligable for them anymore. I don't think I can work a part time job and make enough money to eat and have a place to live. I've decided I'll try and pay off my credit debts and get up to date on taxes if I'm not to in debt/trouble w/ them. I just hate what our country has become more so everyday.