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Lightbulb Are U leet, read...about a clan
Posted 2002-05-31, 07:02 PM

heres the idea, :

im o so sick of being the only one in cows actully tryin, or making 40 cow runs with my bot and blah blah blah being a monarchy in the cow games isnt seems more like a chore but it needs to get done...

i want to start a clan, a good clan with only people who are gunna actully paricapate not a clan where u gotta change your account name or anything (the reason i didnt join rot even after being close to a few of the many members)...just something simple.. 20 guys or so maybe who play a fair amount and people i can gain there trust,

anyone whod like to talk to me about this because i only know of 1 other person willing to do this...

think about it though it would be bliss...

cow runs non-stop with people you know and trust...

it would run something like this... some people make javazons while other people are making opposites.. (barbs pallys ects) charcters who suck in cows so there would always be QUICK runs.. me and 4 other frineds deicded to make mf barbs..slowest cowing i ever did..

got any ideas post em here or PM me

untill than i will be cowing solo with my bot =\
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Urbanxxxassualt is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweenUrbanxxxassualt is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between