Posted 2005-03-08, 08:29 PM
in reply to Penny_Bags's post starting "DO YOU NOT SEE MY POINT AT ALL!? DO I..."
Penny_Bags said:
DO YOU NOT SEE MY POINT AT ALL!? DO I HAVE TO KEEP CAPS LOCK ON TO MAKE YOU OPEN YOUR EYES? God. We could talk about other porn! Why not furry porn? Because it is innapropriate, we agree on that. If you can realize that, CAN'T YOU REALIZE THAT SCREWING ANOTHER MAN IN THE ASS (or taking it) THROUGH AN ANIMAL SUIT IS DISGUSTING AND VULGAR AND INHUMAN?! Scratch that, it's very human, which disgusts me. Animals don't dress up like people and fuck each other in the ass. Maybe you should be more like the common house dog, and clean yourself, excersize, and not fuck same sex members of your species in the ass?
I went off on a radical tangent there, but you must realize the core point. By acknowledging that it is innapropriate subject matter means that it itself is innapropriate.
I see nothing wrong w/ screwing another man in the ass. Not that I'm into it personally but I am into things, I'm sure some people would say is wrong, and vulgar. To each his own man.
Animals don't dress up like people, but then again animals don't use midcrowaves either...Whats your point? Haven't you ever seen two male dogs hump each other? I'm sure if the one could get his dick in the otherones ass they would have no problem having sex.