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Posted 2005-03-08, 05:04 PM in reply to KagomJack's post starting "Listen here, shit-for-brains, racism..."
KagomJack said:
Listen here, shit-for-brains, racism can be ended. If we stop putting emphasis on the color of our partners/lovers/spouses, we can slowly integrate a society of a totally mixed background and racism would slowly die out. Not a 100% guarantee, but it could. And as for the races living in their own area, I doubt they'd be happy. My "colored" friends, as you so disrespectfully put it, would not be happy to be in a land of people of their own color. They'd hate it as much as I would. And men and women don't just have a single purpose like you're probably thinking. Some things require more of a man's touch or a woman's touch, but for the most part, we need to stop doing sexual discrimination. As for ending that? I can only say is that we teach children that we should treat each other as equals and be respectful of each other. We do that now, but we don't do it well enough, hence why I want the education reformation.
So you're advocating forced racial dissolution to the fullest extent? That, my simple-minded friend, is racism. Multi-culturism is racist, for it has always been the slow demise of any great empire. If you're going to force races who are not attracted to one another to succumb to such mongrelization, then you are a hate-mongering racist.

Why should I be forced to integrate with such criminals (I realize all races have their bad guys, but there are obvious differences in all groups), who have no planned aspiring future, when I could live in my own lands free of these people? Why did America land on the moon when segregation was still intact? Why are our educational standards dropping now that segregation has ended? Why does the you-know-who-controlled media continue to shove multi-culturism and mongrelization down our throats? (This just refutes your argument that the media emphasizes our partners on the color of their skin; well, they actually do, but it's not in the matter you speak of. They advocate mongrelization. BUT WHY SHOULD THE MEDIA/GOVERNMENT INTERFERE IN YOUR SOCIAL LIFE?) Your "colored" (a word that the media likes to use) friends, as expected, would love to live here, considering the circumstances. All but 1 of the most civilized countries have European backgrounds; does this not tell you something? However, I'm not going to speak for them, as I'm sure they've encountered some sort of racism (which wouldn't occur if all races lived seperately), and might therefore wish to live with their own kind. It is only natural. That is why we are different and unique, and well-informed people like me wish to uphold that uniqueness. How can you call me a racist, when you are the one who supports a form of government that would force mongrelization to the fullest extent? Wouldn't that kind of, you know, limit our freedom? (which the current administration is already trying to limit) I preach uniqueness; you preach forced mongrelization. That is exactly what they want -- all races mongrelized to the point where they can control them.

As for the sexism argument, men are naturally more hard-nosed than women, and women (I dare say) are more deceitful than men; men are just different than women. THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS EQUALITY. (except when relating to mathematics) No two humans are equal.
Snow is racist. It does not have an equal amount of colored snow as it does white snow. We must find a way to alter nature so that snow becomes colored.

When you decorate your tree for Christmas, you must put at least 24.8% colored bulbs, and they must be placed throughout the tree and not segregated in any matter.

Christmas presents must not be wrapped in white paper.

If Christmas music is to be played, under no circumstances is 'Have a White Christmas' to be Played.

Turkey may be served, but only if there is an equal amount of dark and white meat be served.

You must keep your colored and white dogs in the same room at all times, unsegregated, and they must get along at all times.
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zonalon is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between