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Posted 2005-03-07, 08:41 AM in reply to !King_Amazon!'s post "The furrier side of Kagom Jack"
I say we just leave him alone.

Its got to be embarressing to be 'found' like this, so what does it REALLY matter? So what he posted his pic on some animal fucking site? If a friend of mine were to browse zel, and not knowing that I had been a member for 2.5 years, he would think im gay as hell since i've got a few pics of me here and a 4.2k posts(4.2k? i dunno? )

Im not really like this, but just let Kagom be Kagom... So what if he's gay, and posts things on animal-secksing sites? It does not matter one bit, so just let it be. He's got feelings, too you know.


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