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Doubles and Conspiracies, oh my! The Columbine effect.
Posted 2005-01-05, 07:30 PM
I have reason to believe the government is more involved into things that happen than we know. There have been things that weren't planned or expected, such as 9/11 and Waco. However, what if the government is testing out a new program that is a training system for potential CIA recruits and others for espionage? Columbine could've been an example, though I highly doubt it, but it makes you wonder. Say two teens were coming in on a secret about the government that they didn't want people to know. They were telling the victims of the up-and-coming shooting. Now, the government can't have any kind of slip-ups. Brooks Brown may have been one of those in training, why else would the shooters have let him free? But that's not important right now, mind you. Well, say that a few agents kidnapped the real teenagers and tortured them to get what they had said to the others. Well, this is perfect to set up and take care of the "problem". So they hired another cell, John Savage, to hide out and make sure things went smoothly in the library. Well, after some surgery that Saddam had done with look-alikes, they had their killers. Now, what would happen was that a third figure that some students and teachers had reported to see would follow them to make sure things went well. The police had been instructed not to do anything lest they screw up the plans. Well, after planting the decoy bombs, they planted one that would explode just to be safe. This one would later be diffused and kill some policemen who weren't supposed to die at 10:45 pm, April 20. Well, the killers and the mysterious third member went through the school, murdering those whom they were definite told about the plot, meanwhile, the police near the library would have the dead bodies of the two teens in the fatigues worn by the faux killers in the school. Now, not all students murdered knew of the teens' conspiracies involving the government. The martyrs that we know of weren't those clued in. Now, that the teens roaming the school have played killer, the bodies of the actual teens are drug in while there's smoke and fog conveniently in there from gunfire and a smoke bomb. Now, when the actualy police not involved go in, they discover the teens dead, but not the mysterious third figure, who kept reports of whom they should've killed. Which is why so many Columbine students seemed to have died off after the massacre. Because they knew and may have said something if given the chance. What other reason would it seem? Maybe some of them were suicidal, but not all of them. But the government won't speak much about this incident and the profiles of the dead teens. But why would the government do anything along this magnitude? Who really knows? Experiment? Hush someone up? This is an example of what the government may have done, anything above is merely for the sake of having an example.
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