Comp Monitor
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Posted 2004-07-04, 11:29 PM in reply to
's post starting
"straying a lil off topic and more than..."
blckshdwdragon said:
straying a lil off topic and more than i want to know.
topic wise i think a crt is best LCD isnt quite up to par with CRTs and how LCDs work wont be as good as crts for a while and cost wise they're expensive
Apologes for forum digging, haven't been on for a while; hope you haven't bought your monitor already? I'm using a 19" samsung LCD and a recently bought CRT dell (some sale) and for diablo the LCD plays nice, for things like Warcraft 3 Unreal Tourny ect you'll want the better frame-rate on non LCD displays, but depending on your videocard you can still get the 60-85mhz range on an LCD, which is nice because it's MUCH easier on your eyes. for something small like diablo I'd go with an LCD because it looks so damn sexy
edit: my LCD was 495 Canadian, 2004, my CRT was a little less, about 50-80 dollars.