Movies: Spiderman 2 (Spoiler warning)
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Spiderman 2 (Spoiler warning)
Posted 2004-06-30, 02:45 AM
Ok well i would say that overall this movie was very pimp
Comparitively speaking with the first one the fighting and effects are a lot cooler. Octavius and Spider-man really go at it and its very fast paced and lots of crazy movement action. The subway scene is very impressive where spiderman and Octavius duke it out as well as the part where he stops the train. I give the action a 11/10 if it were possible....
I thought the story was pretty cool. I don't know if it follows the comic book but either way. I don't really feel like explaining the whole story but I would like to mention something about the ending. I think It was very nicely set up for spiderman 3 the way Harry stumbles into a room of his father's old "play things" (green goblin glider, suit, explosives, etc.) Sooooo we all know for sure that there will be a spiderman 3 and we know who the villian will be. the rating i give for plot is 9/10.
Ok well you might be wondering why i put this category in here but the movie actually had quite a bit of funny stuff. Some of it was corny but i thought there was a good amount of comedy, but in the parts where it was serious i thank the lord that they kept it serious so it didn't ruin the movie or anything so I think that it was pretty good to spice up the movie. comedy= 8/10.
Welll I'm no acting expert so i can't really critique it very much. All I know is that no one annoyed the hell out of me and everything seemed great so for that Acting is a great10/10.
Overall I think it is realllyyyy worth it to see this movie in theatres
Overall 9.5/10