Freestyle rap motherfucks!
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Posted 2004-06-18, 11:37 PM in reply to
's post starting
"Look at the ill'complexity' of my posts..."
Some of you are fucking dumb
Then again i'm fucking high
I smoke pot till i get numb
And none yall can't deny
i smoke the roach till its microscopic
'cause i been smokin since junor high
what sucks here is this topic
about freestyle motherfucks who can't reply
with a good post that ryhmes
d3v get his pleasure from racism
when the reply button is hit comes one of d3v's orgasms
but then his dick gets a spasm
now in the "100% or 110% thread" he doesnt know its just sarcasm
but then i find a way to make d3v mad and impregnate one of his moms
just throw a racist remark in there and let her scream thru the intercom
i dont know what i'm sayin all this shit gets me confused
till my head starts hurtin, now ima go to bed an' snooze
Last edited by kaos; 2004-06-18 at
11:42 PM