Thread: MF tactics.
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Posted 2004-04-20, 03:09 PM in reply to FalleN's post starting "how many runs have you done Doofus_AW? ..."
FalleN said:
how many runs have you done Doofus_AW?

Jeez..I dunno hundreds I guess. I usually hit Thresh Socket, Sharptooth, and then clear the pit. Takes about 7 mins for all 3 w maphack on. FYI I was just hitting the Pit Bosses until a Gris Vortex sheild fell off a normal monster and High level runes started dropping from everyone. Now I kill em all
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Doofus_AW enjoys the static noises of ten television sets simultaneously tuned to 412.84 MHzDoofus_AW enjoys the static noises of ten television sets simultaneously tuned to 412.84 MHz