hmm im in similar situation:
This girl who is my friend likes me, but, i like her best friend, and her best friend is kinda attracted to me, her 2nd best friend is my ex which makes it more akward. So ok she found out that i liked her friend and she stopped talkignt o us for awhile, now shes cool with it but me and her friend are still just flirting, shes one of those that has to meet you really deep and if she likes everyhting she will go with you, but im kinda getting tired of this shit, shes waiting too long so i dont know if i should just let it go =(
we were going out this saturday to watch scary movie 3, i got online and she told me that she just got ground for bringing bad grades and that she couldnt go out or talk on the phone, so i got really pissed off but i didnt saya nything, a few mins later i call her cel phone and she tells me she doesnt know when she will have the grounding tanken off, so i dont know if she made that up just as an excuse not to go out or it is really what happened....ill see her on monday but i dont know what to say...
edit-oops i amde this longer than it should have been, sorry , got caught in the moment