Posted 2003-10-24, 10:27 PM
This kinda blows, it's not that bad but I just got home from my friends house and stuff sucks.
My friend Matt was obsessed with a girl, let's call her "D". He was talking to her once and they were attracted to each other and just started making out, he wanted here real bad and shit, and said she was perfect for him. Then, another guy was sort of liking her too, and they worked out together better, and he got shafted. He let it go and sort of fell back on this girl "K". He said D was would be good for a relationship, but K would just be for play. i was like yeah okay w/e. I didn't really care.
Tonight I was at my friends house, and my friend Matt was sitting there with K and they were just chiling, she looked kidna bored. For some reason whenever I would say something, she would laugh and we started talking and shit. He kept giving me mean looks like "get off my woman." So i stepped off. But the girl would just sort of follow me. She would like get close to me and jump on my back and stuff. She sat on my lap by the bonfire, and he gave me the meanest look I have ever seen :-D.This K girl was perfect for me.... but he's in the way of anything happen. My excuse was, "Well since our Spring Dance is tommorow, and you are going with K... and I am not going, I am just having a little fun. I am just being nice. [lie]It's not like I like her or anything[/lie]
So I don't know what I would do. I tend to wait for the right girl, and don't want to change or try hard to get a girl. He is the woman fiend that is constantly trying to pimp. She just met me and we were getting along much better than them.... I felt really wierd. I was so conflicted.... Enlighten me...
