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Posted 2003-09-18, 01:13 PM in reply to Raziel's post "The sheer, hysterical irony of it all."
RoboticSilence said:
Rare is working on three game right now for the XBox due out this year and early-mid next:
Kameo: Elements of Power due out December 1st.
Conker: Live and Uncut with a release date TBA in 2004.
Grabbed by the Goulies due three days before Halloween on the 28th.
Go to for more information

I hope this thing falls apart because I don't want to have to buy Microsoft consoles in the furture to play Rareware game which arre almost always totally awesome.
Perfect Dark 2 is also secretly on the way.
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uncapped is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweenuncapped is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between