well the first few pages will be on GTA3 cuase there are so many
Code Notes
Everything-Proof Your Cars!
3CF2F### 1456E7??
Values for ###:
7E4 - Portland Car 1
6D4 - Staunton Car 1
6FC - Staunton Car 2
9C4 - Shoreside Car 1
9EC - Shoreside Car 2
914 - Shoreside Car 3
Values for ??:
A5 - No protection
A6 - Bulletproof only
A7 - Fireproof only
A8 - Bullet and Fireproof
A1 - Explosionproof only
A2 - Bullet and Explosionproof
A3 - Explosion and Fireproof
A4 - Bullet, Explosion, and Fireproof
9D - Collisionproof only
9E - Collision and Bulletproof
9F - Collision and Fireproof
A0 - Collision, Bullet, and Fireproof
99 - Collision and Explosionproof
9A - Collision, Bullet, and Explosionproof
9B - Collision, Fire, and Explosionproof
9C - Collision, Bullet, Fire, and Explosionproof
Set the Radio in Your Cars!
3CF2F### 1456E7??
Values for ###:
7E6 - Portland Car 1
6D6 - Staunton Car 1
6FE - Staunton Car 2
9C6 - Shoreside Car 1
9EE - Shoreside Car 2
916 - Shoreside Car 3
Values for ??:
A5 - Head Radio
A6 - Double Clef FM
A7 - K-Jah
A8 - Rise FM
A1 - Lips 106
A2 - Game Radio
A3 - MSX
A4 - Flashback
9D - Chatterbox
9F - Radio Off
Set the Body Style on Your Cars!
3CF2F### 1456E7??
This code applies mainly to Patriots, Taxis, and Convertibles. It also applies to the logo-ed/decaled vehicles such as the Coach, Yankee, and so on, but these values have not been mapped out yet.
Values for ###:
7E7 - Portland Car 1
6D7 - Staunton Car 1
6FF - Staunton Car 2
9C7 - Shoreside Car 1
9EF - Shoreside Car 2
917 - Shoreside Car 3
Values for ??:
0C -
Convertibles : Roof is down
Taxis : No light
Patriots : No tarp/rollcage in pickup bed
Logo-ed Vehicles : No logos
A5 -
Convertibles : Roof is up
Taxis : Black light
Patriots : Tarp over pickup bed
A6 -
Taxis : Yellow light
Patriots : Fullsize boxy canvas tilt over pickup bed
A7 -
Patriots : Rollcage mounted in pickup bed
Using a value on a car that is not listed under that value (such as using A6 on a Convertible) could possibly lock up the game. Use with caution.
Set Bombs in Your Cars!
3CF2F### 1456E7??
Values for ###:
7ED - Portland Car 1
6DD - Staunton Car 1
9CD - Shoreside Car 1
Values for ??:
A5 - No Bomb
A6 - Timer Bomb, Unarmed
A7 - Ignition Bomb, Unarmed
A8 - Remote Trigger Bomb, Unarmed *
A1 - Timer Bomb, Armed (will not fire)
A2 - Ignition Bomb, Armed (WILL FIRE!)
A3 - Remote Trigger Bomb, Armed *
* Remote Trigger Bombs don't work after the car is stored in the garage. You can't re-equip a bomb on that car because the game thinks you already have one.
Also, don't fire the Uzi while driving a bomb-equipped car. It WILL arm the bomb!
Flashback Warp System!
Point 1:
Select+L3 to set
X+L3 to warp
0CC70EE6 1456B009
8C21D368 1456E799
3CF2F874 1456E7A5
0CC70EE6 1456700A
8CF2F874 1456E799
3C21D368 1456E7A5
Point 2:
Select+Left to set
X+Left to warp
0CC70EE6 1456B08B
8C21D368 1456E799
3CF2F880 1456E7A5
0CC70EE6 1456708C
8CF2F880 1456E799
3C21D368 1456E7A5
Point 3:
Select+Right to set
X+Right to warp
0CC70EE6 1456B0EB
8C21D368 1456E799
3CF2F88C 1456E7A5
0CC70EE6 145670EB
8CF2F88C 1456E799
3C21D368 1456E7A5
These new codes allow you the gamer to pick exactly where you want to warp to, at the push of a button; when you wish to relocate, simply push another button!
To change the jokers that are used here to your personal choice of jokers, check the Joker Commands page to create your own jokers.
For those who prefer to use Controller 2, simply adjust the lines "0CC70EE6 ..." to read "0CC711E6 ..." - I use controller 1 because if I'm in a firefight, or about to be busted, I don't usually have time to grab up the other controller!
This code requires the use of a Gameshark 2, with the latest (v2.0+) software.
These codes can crash your game if used improperly:
Always make sure you have set a warp point BEFORE you attempt to warp, or your game will crash! Once each numbered warp has had a value set, that value should remain set until reprogrammed - even across game saves/loads (but not between different saves, or swapping of memory cards - sorry, no using a friend's save to set a warp to an island you have no access to!)
The warp point data is stored where the game keeps the data for the 6th car parked in your Shoreside Vale Garage. This means you cannot actually keep a 6th car, because it would destroy your warp points and/or the warp points would destroy the car.
Codes by Hellion00
Code Notes
Press R1 to Increase Cash
0CC70EE6 1456B80C
2C878329 1485EBBD Press R1 on Controller 1 to increase the Cash value. As long as R1 is pressed, the Cash value will continue to increase.
Staunton Car Scroller
0CC711E6 1456B08C
2CB78329 14773A35
0CC711E6 1456B0EC
2C878329 14773A35
0CF2F6B8 1456E76E
3CF2F6B8 1456E732
0CF2F6B8 1456E78D
3CF2F6B8 1456E78E
0CF2F6B8 1456E789
3CF2F6B8 1456E78B
0CF2F6B8 1456E78A
3CF2F6B8 1456E790
0CF2F6B8 1456E719
3CF2F6B8 1456E735
0CF2F6B8 1456E71C
3CF2F6B8 1456E720
0CF2F6B8 1456E738
3CF2F6B8 1456E731
0CF2F6B8 1456E733
3CF2F6B8 1456E76F Use Left and Right on the Directional Pad on Controller 2 to scroll Car #1 through the following list of cars.
Full List of Cars (in order):
90 - Landstalker
91 - Idaho
92 - Stinger
93 - Linerunner
94 - Perennial
95 - Sentinel
96 - Patriot
97 - Firetruck
98 - Trashmaster
99 - Stretch
100 - Manana
101 - Infernus
102 - Blista
103 - Pony
104 - Mule
105 - Cheetah
106 - Ambulance
107 - FBI Car
108 - Moonbeam
109 - Esperanto
110 - Taxi
111 - Kuruma
112 - Bobcat
113 - Mr. Whoopee
114 - BF Injection
115 - Manana
116 - Police
117 - Enforcer
118 - Securicar
119 - Banshee (*)
121 - Bus
122 - Rhino
123 - Barracks OL
126 - Dodo
127 - Coach
128 - Cabbie
129 - Stallion
130 - Rumpo
131 - RC Toy (**)
132 - Triad Fish Van
133 - Mr. Wongs
134 - Mafia Sentinel
135 - Yardie Lobo
136 - Yakuza Stinger
137 - Diablo Stallion
138 - Cartel Cruiser
139 - Hoods Rumpo XL
144 - Panlantic
145 - Flatbed
146 - Yankee (*)
148 - Borgnine
149 - Toys Van
You can scroll through the list in a loop. For example, if you press Right when the current car is a Toys Van, it will change to a Landstalker, and vice versa.
The number is provided next to the car name because I'm currently working on a way to display this number so you know what the current Car value is.
(*) There are two exceptions where you cannot scroll both Left and Right. These are between the Banshee and Bus and between the Yankee and Borgnine. You can only scroll from Banshee to Bus and from Yankee to Borgnine. You cannot scroll from Bus to Banshee or from Borgnine to Yankee.
(**) I would avoid spawning the RC Toy in your garage. This is because cars spawned on top of the RC Toy tend to appear halfway into the ground and you can't get them out without blowing them up.
Car Identifier (Pistol Ammo)
4C21D418 1456E404
8CF2F6B8 1456E7A7
3C21D414 1456E7A5
I tried to make it so that there was as little impact on normal gameplay as possible. This code will permanently display the Car #1 value (the number next to the car name in the car list above) in the Pistol Clip value (the number on the right underneath the little picture of the Pistol).
If your Staunton garage door is open, or there are no cars in the garage, your Pistol will not fire (0 bullets in the clip). The simple solution? Always keep a car in your Staunton garage. As long as this condition is met, you will have Infinite Pistol Ammo.
Staunton Base Paint Scroller
0CC711E6 1456AC0C
2CB78329 14773A55
0CC711E6 1456B80C
2C878329 14773A55
Use L1 and R1 on Controller 2 to scroll the Base Paint value on Car #1.
Staunton Stripe Paint Scroller
0CC711E6 1456B10C
2CB78329 14773A56
0CC711E6 1456B20C
2C878329 14773A56
Use L2 and R2 on Controller 2 to scroll the Stripe Paint value on Car #1.
Nitro Boost (X + O)
0CC70EE6 1456500C
1C8D782A 1456E7A5
0CC70EE6 1446500C
1C8D782A DA5407AD Press X and O (only) at the same time on Controller 1 for a Nitro Boost while driving. Once O is released, normal driving resumes.
This is a modification of the Faster Cars code by Mr DNA, GodOfWine, and Garkel.
Super Nitro Boost (X + O)
DC962023 148662E7
1C8D782C 1456E7A5
1C8E562C 1456E7A5
1C8E592C 1456E7A5
DC962023 048662E7
1C8D782C DA5407AD
1C8E562C E49609BD
1C8E592C 105A3811 Press X and O (only) at the same time on Controller 1 for a Super Nitro Boost while driving. Once O is released, normal driving resumes.
This is a modification of the Warp Speed code by Dark-Agent.
Joker Activated Tank (GS v2)
DC937023 148661E7
4CC710C2 145624A5
1CC710C8 2524F671
1CC710CC D5932468
4CC710D0 14562468
Joker Activated Tank (GS <v2)
0CC711E6 1456C00C
4CC710C2 145624A5
0CC711E6 1456C00C
1CC710C8 2524F671
0CC711E6 1456C00C
1CC710CC D5932468
0CC711E6 1456C00C
4CC710D0 14562468 To activate this code, first press and hold Triangle on Controller 2. Now press Triangle on Controller 1 (while holding Triangle on Controller 2). This should spawn a Tank. It's a little easier than doing the whole button code for the Tank. It also allows you to use other button codes, unlike the Random Clothing GS cheat.
There are two versions of this code posted here. The first one is for people with a GameShark version 2. The second one is for people with a GameShark that is less than version 2.

Last edited by ViciousMilitia; 2002-04-30 at 07:15 PM.