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Posted 2003-07-28, 01:57 PM in reply to RoboticSilence's post "Counter-Strike 1.6 Beta"
Acer said:
Kamikaze Badger said:
Steam? You mean one of the programs that Valve made? I wouldnt know too much, and i would really like to know how 1.6 is gonna help out, now that theres about 128,490,340,912,834,823,094 hackers out there. Oh well, ill check it out.
Stay with update, not many good hacks for 1.6 and lot less cheaters now that VAC is cracking down. I know all about cheating. Only really public hacks are my own clan's [RaGe-X]Ultra(aka simple_aim), Nightmare, and Metacheat. Which metacheat is always getting detected(VAC is aiming at it more than others) then comes NM(since it is a client) then Ultra once and awhile but it isnt OGL which means it isnt that good. So cheaters are dying off quick.
Good, the less cheaters the better... That is unless your one of them
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