Posted 2003-07-27, 10:15 AM
in reply to Acer's post "What is out there?"
Im not saying "BUSH" did it, but I wont say its not possible and he didnt for sure. If someone leaves america and comes back to tell me whats out there, it won't be any good. If the gov wants to keep is secret, I don't think they would let the people who've been out there go unsilenced.
Yes, and 7/11? Wasn't thinking like a roman, wasn't thinking at all it seems lol, my mistake.
Now people also say, 9/11(ahh lets get it right this time :P) made us stronger. Let me think about it, people trying to act full of pride to be noticed. Flags and stuff making money off of it(good for economic wise), people buying them to show their pride but yet its been what 2 years almost and no one shows their pride anymore. All we have left is horrible flying and companies going out of down and out. People would do crazy stuff to show their "pride" to get on TV(thats how I feel). I mean if you are really so proud then you wouldn't need 9/11 to have you do these things. Just taking adv of the moment it seems.

Last edited by Acer; 2003-07-27 at 10:20 AM.