What is out there?
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Posted 2003-07-26, 12:39 PM in reply to
's post
"What is out there?"
acer did you by any chance watch "mancurian candidate". btw i agree with your roman comparison. after all americans have always compared themselves to romans and tried to be like them, so heres whats in store for you yanks. bush will name himself dictator and will name a month after himself claiming he's jesus incarnated then he'll get shot to death by colin powell and after several coupes the country will be ruled by a guy named jimbo bush who will accept the jehovas witnesses and illegilise all other bringing forth more conflicts, racial disputes, etnich clensing, and rebellions bringing forth a new dark age filled with disease and war that will halve the population and halve it again. i can't wait
don't stop war otherwise the end will never come
"angel" of war