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Post Summary of Polls and De-admining.
Posted 2003-07-08, 04:12 PM
This is the summary and my personal interpertation of #1 Several Polls, #2 The de-admining of Me, #3 Interviews. View this as you think, and please respond with NON-FLAMES but posts involving some sort of evidence! (I really dont need any of these Raziel flames)

Thread: Poll: 'What If'
Poll Options: Deadmin Him, Warn Him, Delete/Edit Post, No Comment
Poll Results: Deadmin(4), Warn(5), Delete/Edit(5), No Comment(8)

My understanding...
As alot of the zelaron users know (and some dont), that I was removed from the office for posting an add to a WarEz site that I own and operate. I made an add saying that I was selling Matrix 3 in response to a thread talking about DVDs and needing them. This happened shortly after WetWired came into 'control' of zelaron PAYING for it, making the themes, etc. After my post, I was removed from office; and this poll clearly showed what SHOULD have happened. 10-4 say Deadmining is not an option, and shouldnt happen. Although I understand that if I did something to RUIN zelaron in anyway, id be deadmined... although clearly a single response doesnt do anything and everyone knows that.

With: John Allen
Position: Sites host

t a c o IXI: Hey John you are Zelarons Host correct?
johna11en: Yes, I host the zelaron server.
t a c o IXI: Now, the users of zelaron can find your great services at!
johna11en: Yes. (Link:
t a c o IXI: But back on topic, do you have a problem with a BACKUP GAMING/BURNED dvd forum?
t a c o IXI: If nothing is locally hosted
t a c o IXI: Just useres TALKING about it?
johna11en: I have a problem with anything that violates any laws local to Dallas, Wisconsin, or any Federal laws broken in the United States. I do not feel like being interviewed by the FBI, RIAA, MPAA, or any local, state or federal authority. So I encourage all users of my services to keep it legal.
t a c o IXI: Although you do understand that I have a site that does just that. Users selling thier products
t a c o IXI: Have you had ANY complaints?
t a c o IXI: I belive theres a law in the constitution of freedom of speech... isnt that how forums like mine survice?
t a c o IXI: If I were to host a movie, id understand, but hosting a forum about were to get it?
johna11en: Thats a good point. Maybe I should disable your site right now.
t a c o IXI: No, you wouldnt want to do that! So you are totaly against WaReZ discussion?
johna11en: It's a thin line
t a c o IXI: For example; 1 user says he has something for sale
t a c o IXI: You can contact the user
johna11en: I am not against it. When I find warez on the server your site would be suspended.
t a c o IXI: Would you SHUT down the server?
johna11en: If we find that there is copyright violations going on with that server then we would pull the plug.
johna11en: depending on how large the transfer is
t a c o IXI: So you dont care unless files are locally hosted on the server?
johna11en: If it were something small I believe he could probably get off with a warning
t a c o IXI: Like my forums, I made it extremly clear that there will be NO uploads.
t a c o IXI: But they are allowed to say were to get the files... or purchas them.
t a c o IXI: So in the end, its their fault.
t a c o IXI: If no files are locally hosted, then there is no poblem. There are thosands of boards that operate like this.
t a c o IXI: As im sure you know and visited!
johna11en: Anyone interested in free software should take part in the Free Software Foundation. (Link:
johna11en: I have no interest in warez because I use open source software which is free
t a c o IXI: So would you shutdown my site if I had members saying were to get warez?
johna11en: the server runs open source software.
t a c o IXI: Or is it as SOON as a file is on the server.
johna11en: I would not until some type of authority came to me and told me I am breaking the law for this reason.
johna11en: Then your service would be cut off.
t a c o IXI: Or the site removed.
johna11en: If there were files on the server I would know about it.
johna11en: Based on the activity.
t a c o IXI: In your opinion, would you shut down a forum for a single post?
t a c o IXI: Or even 200 posts, a forum like zelaron?
johna11en: Depends on the situation.
t a c o IXI: With hundreds of thosands.
t a c o IXI: The situation is;
johna11en: Zelaron for example..
johna11en: has alot at stake.
t a c o IXI: tacoX Is selling Matrix 2
t a c o IXI: User says For sale
johna11en: They invested into hardware which could be seized.
t a c o IXI: Do you belive that would kill a forum?
johna11en: I am not a lawyer.
t a c o IXI: Or the post deleted.
johna11en: That is like saying do you think the RIAA would sue people over sharing music?
t a c o IXI: I dont know, but im ending this interview real quick
t a c o IXI: Would you say that its fine unless you have a problem with the authorities?
t a c o IXI: Contacting you, etc?
t a c o IXI: Othe than that, no file hosting, just keep it discussion ?
johna11en: I am ok with free speech.
t a c o IXI: Thanks alot John, and have a great day!
t a c o IXI: :: end :::

My Understanding...
This was a VERY unbiased intervew on Johns part. But basically what this shows is that unless the authorites are invloved, theres nothing to worrie about. I totally understand that I broke two simple rules, although I highly doubt it would end in the AUTHORTIES involving zelaron in anyway, it would be laid on me! But I personally belived a single POST (not even a thread) could get by with an EDIT/DELETE simply (as does the Zelaron users). I understand that theres rules about WareZ on zelaron, and Im happy Zelaron enforces them, although it was a bit strict to be DEADMINED in my opinion... hrm!

Thread: Poll: 'Actually owning WaReZ?'
Poll Options: Yes, No, No Comment
Poll Results: Yes(21), No(2), No Comment(3)

My Understanding...
Landslide Victory AGAIN for taco! But eitherway, basically ALL members including ALL of the staff own WareZ files. Anyone with a brain the size of a peanut doesnt pay thousands for a program you can download and the click of a link! So considering all members own warez, why is the punishment so extreme? Moving down 3 user ranks is the HIGHEST possible punishment! Id understand if I DoSed, Posted Database, Sent out spamail, etc (or anything that actually is done ot VICIOUSLY and INTENTIONALY hurt zelaron). Even the all anti-warez WetWired said he owned WareZ! Who would have known! Interasting...

Thread: Poll: 'Emulation/ROMS/Backupgames Debate'
Poll Options: Yes -- Its too close to warez to be discussed, No -- According the the government of the united states its legal
Poll Results: Yes(3), No(12)

My Understanding..
Another interasting result! This goes with the WareZ post. Most members beleave its not too illegal to post about it... and in my opinion punishment should be EXTREMLY low (ex: PM Message)

What is this about in all...
What do I want after prooving my point in several accurences... I dont know. Can I go back in history? No. Chruser surprislingy apoligized to me yesterday. Didnt act like the ass he as been acting like when we talk about this before. I have great respect for you Chruser. Id love to see debates responding back to this... Please no flames!
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tacoX is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweentacoX is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between