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Posted 2003-06-23, 03:58 AM in reply to "CRØNîC-KîLLå"'s post "Have any Guide(s)?"
2-Handed Weapon Wielding Werewolf Druid Guide v1.09
June 19th, 2003
By Ouroboros

"To travel in silence, I alone had secured his root. To brave the arrows of misfortune and fear neither noose nor fire. To play the greatest of all games, and win, foregoing no expense, is to mock the facised tunes of fate"

This guide should not be read with impunity.

I might have forgotten some things. I find myself wondering why i had some charms on my druid's mule right now looking over my stuff. So if you have any questions, ask. Most guides rely on generalization, but to truly know how to duel, one must know everything. Grab the coffee maker or a 12 pack of soda before reading this. This guide is not for beginners or people new to pvp or people afflicted with A.D.D.

Some random things i like to mention before we get started
-People who use the word "noob" & "pwned" are newbs.
-Legit = bragging rights, Hacked = no skills/ethics/intelligence
-Non-perfect items are not guaranteed legit items, they are an illusion. I've been there, done that. Seen this and that duped. It's about as silly as my perfect multi jewel colored robos.
-I took a little d2 vacation about a month after the last dupe because the economy looks like it was going to become very very unstable and untradable, came back just recently.
-I am a rich perfection idealist when it comes to D2.
-I have not MF'ed since 1.08. I've made my riches by trading back and forth, using my intellect & knowledge, penny-pinching, keeping to myself, and manipulating the economy. If the Diablo2 world mimiced the real world, I would be considered a Jew. :O
-I will not cover poor-man's gear choices. I will not cover the mediocre man's gear choices either, I figure the mediocre man has the brains to figure out what is acceptable to sacrifice for this build and the poor-man has no chance.
-I do not and have never used common dupes, iths, hacked, hexed, etc items.
-I've had the following pvp chars in my pvp career: HFSmiter, ThornSmiter, FOH/HF/Smiter, FOH/HF/throw/zeal/Charger, LF/JABazon, hybrid sin, bladeshield melee MA sin, pure MA sin, claw/claw pure MA sin, Pure javababa, Spear WW baba, Hydra/Orb/TS 9frame/block sorc, Hydra/TS DR/block sorc -- in no particular chronological order.
-All of these characters are no longer equipped because i've liquidated everything to feed my expensive perfectionist habits.(see "about my 2h ww druids" chapter)
-I have never duped with a program. although i have had several items rollback duped for me by blizzard.
-I always trade with legit items e.g. runes, cruels & sojs back before the last dupe
-Screw your private pussy dueling. Quit your whining about "it has gotten out of hand... now," if you were not discouraging it from the beginning, dont start now. If you did not leave the public arena like you did, it might just as well would not have been as screwed up as it is now. The chocolatey gooey minds of ITH users would be easily convinced to drop their weapons and listen to the majority, the superiority of you so called "veterans of pvp."
-Those who duel "legit" by illegit methods of getting their riches are the vilest of hypocrits.
-Never trust the newbs in the druid forums when it comes to pvp advice. They are poor, stubborn, know little about other classes & are not perfectionists, brag about "owning" people they think are good but are weak imo, and exagerate or most of the time make up stories to boast their imaginary "skill." They are decent for getting simple statistics from though --- if those statistics are correct. The barbarian forums are fairly honest but are quite boring people, the paladin forums are cocky. Sin forums are rich(out of unlegit methods, all of them except me, i was originally a sin) and insolent. Statistics forum is great, Ruvanal knows alot.

-={About my 2h WW druids}=-

Level 89 2h WW druid(planned for 1.09: 20oak 20WW 20Lyc 20Fury 4raven 4sw 1pc 20CycloneArmor)
Level 77+ 2h WW druid(planned for 1.10: 20oak 20HoW 20WW 20Lyc 20Fury 2r 2sw 1pc)

The level 77+ druid was leveled recently and stat distributed to prepare for 1.10's annhilus charm & steel rend.

There was a problem with the lvl89 druid: he did poorly against fury druids/zealots(65% win rate) because of his poor AR. it was about 7k. Which is not enough to hit at a decent rate. He did extremely well against sorcs and bowazons smiters fisters necros 4fpaBears and pure javababas. Hence the creation of the lvl77+ HoW&Oak Druid.

162-868dmg 300%ED perfect cruel thundermaul of quickness, two open sockets, (2x 40%ED/15%ias jewels(blue & white)) 9/5/5/5/5 fury - range 3
220-603dmg 215%ED Superior perfect Ethereal Gemmed "robo" Great poleaxe - 15%ed from superior(zod, 5x 40%ED/15%ias jewels(blue, white, red, blue, white)) 7/4/4/4/4 fury - range 5
167-473dmg 175%ed Superior perfect Ethereal Gemmed "robo" Giant Thresher - 15%ed from superior(zod, shael, 4x 40%ED/15%ias jewels(peach, blue, white, red)) 6/4/4/4/4 fury - range 5

60dex kokokokokoko superior perfect 15%ed Crystal Sword
Whinstan's Guard(ko)
200%ed perfect Flesh renderer
130%ed +5mana after each kill perfect Lidless Wall

220%ed perfect shaftstop (40/15max(red))
220%ed perfect shaftstop (Cham)
8%LL/6%ML/20%DR legit vampire gaze (Ber)
8/15/15/180%ed absolute perfect string of ears
200%ed perfect thunderGod's vigor
180%ed perfect snowclash
1.08 legit highlord's wrath(pentagon ilvl 91)
20/250 perfect raven frost x2
15mdr perfect dwarf star x2
11%ll 20str 76ar 17life 23%cold resist crafted ring
11%ll 2str 100ar 52life 10%ctc lvl3 charged bolt ws crafted ring
6%ll 8str 14dex 5%cb 16life 73%ed 114def crafted vampire bone gloves
200%ed perfect gore riders

Rare Circlet - +2druid 30%frw 19dex 15%Resist all 53%Fire Resist ATD8(Cham)
Rare Circlet - +2druid 30%frw +5%AR per clvl 20dex 29% cold resist(15%resist all/15max jewel)
36dex 60%Resist All Jeweler's Great Hauberk of the Whale(4x 15%resist all/9dex jewels(white,red,purple,green)[light class armor therefore no walk run penalty]

all have various image artworks to be more legit:)
8x 3max/20ar/fhr sc (yes, all 20ar)
2x 36ar/fhr sc (36ar is max possible, perfect ;))
27x 5%resist all/frw sc
2x 36ar/frw sc
14x 3max/20ar/frw sc
14x 11%LR/frw sc
7x 11%PR/frw sc
2x 11%LR/20life sc
5x 11%FR/20life sc
1x 3max/20ar/20life sc(legit coin image)
1x 36ar/20life sc
6x shapeshifting 12%fhr gc
10x shapeshifting charms with life(40,40,41,42,42,43,44,45,45,45 life)

My gear for one druid takes up two characters and a mercenary. It is just enough to take all variants of all classes as sufficiently as legitimately possible. Plz dont hack me.

With Oak Sage: 6.2k Life, 7.5k AR, 8.9k Damage (a melee setup, 73%dr 44%ll 50%fhr)
With Heart of the Wolverine: 4.3k Life, 10.7k AR, 11.2k Damage (a melee setup 73%dr 33%ll 50%fhr)

11.2k x 2(deadly strike) = 22.4k dmg
22.4k /4(pvp penalty) = 5.6k dmg
5.6k /4(DR%) = 1,400 dmg
1,400 x 5(one fury) = 7k dmg

Enough drama and bragging.


-Read all the game dynamics in Tommi's page It's the perfectionist's dream site. He's smart.
-Do some math
You want enough strength to meet the minimal requirement of your weapon AFTER the strength from your gear, rings, charms.
You want enough dexterity to meet the minimal requirement of your alternative weapon(s) AFTER the dex from your gear, rings, charms.
-Plan for future investments in gear/charms of your dreams.
-Make an original name
Dont be stupid and make something like xXxLegolasxXx, we also don't need you to tag yourself as azn. we'll figure that out after you type a couple of sentences.
-Don't be too bummed when you happen to buy/find one godly item that is 1strength point more than you need and you want to delete your current character to recreate him and redistribute the points.
-Know your opponent's build
-Learn to recognize gear (what a shaft and arkaine looks on a zon, a barb, weapons, type, color-modifier, black=evisceration etc etc)
-I usually have my mini-control panel closed when dueling. Not too often but sometimes I accidentally click a button, once i've even exited myself out on accident. You should close it aswell.

-Deadly strike is necessary always have atleast 50%deadly strike(highlords + gore riders). If you can, sacrifice anything short of %damage reduction for deadly strike.
-Deadly Strike is the chance to double your damage rolled. It is affected by pvp penalty & DR%
-Open wounds is the chance of causing a player to slowly loose life, much like poison, except weaker and based on your and their character levels. It is not affected by pvp penalty & DR%
-Crushing Blow is the chance to do 1/10th of their life, much like static field. In PvM it is 1/4th. This is added on after you do your total damage. It is affected by DR%.
-You can have at max 75% damage reduction when PVP'ing. It's Highly recommended you get above 70%DR when facing physical attackers.
-Physical and Elemental Damage (except for poison) in PvP is reduced to 1/4th (thus, if your Fury max damage is 8,000, it will be doing 2,000 before the Deadly Strike effect). Poison Damage does not have a PvP penalty, but is NOT bugged as some manipulative a-holes want you to believe. Poison Damage can only be reduced by resistances, antidotes, and Poison Length Reduction items.
-Poison Length Reduction items are worthless in that 1) they are capped at 75% and are rumored to have a Difficulty penalty, you would need 150% poison length reduction in hell difficulty to recieve the actualy 75% poison length reduction. 2) Your opponent will almost always restrike you before that 1/4th of the original poison length reduction times out.
-Leech is derived from the damage you've inflicted. 44%Life leech means 44% of the damage the other player recieves goes to healing your own life.
-Leech is reduced by 1/2 in NM/Hell. Moreover, Your base resistance levels are determined by the game's difficulty: Normal Difficulty: 0; Nightmare Difficulty: -40; Hell Difficulty: -100
-If you die once in a game, you lose the resist gained by the Anya quests. So if you had 85% resistance before, you would end up with only 55%. To get your resists back, you should simply rejoin the game or another game.
-Defence goes to Zero when you're running. Defence is at full when you walk
-You will never have more than a 95% chance to hit or lower than a 5% chance to hit.
-in 1.09 the Eth rune gives 95%chance to hit and is bugged. As a druid you have the priveledge to be one above the rest and not exploit this bug.
-If a player does more damage than 1/12th of the opponent's life, they will be placed in hit recovery animation. If it is less than 1/12th that person will only be interrupted.
-As a two handed werewolf you will be more times than not do more dmg than 1/12th of the person's life after DR, pvp penalty, resistance etc.
-At the faster frames, being chilled by cold atttacks does not slow your fury attack speeds(9/5/5/5/5 fpa and better)
-I usually keep my resistences at zero(hence the 14x 5ResAll/5FRW charms) when fighting non elemental dmg oriented opponents. Your average non elemental dmg oriented opponents usually carry about 300 mixed elemental dmg simply because they cant afford all 3max/ar/frw charms or think somehow that it would help them.
-The X bug or the corpse bug: Once a player dies and you position your X right EXACTLY above the X of their corpse, so that you only see one X, you can achieve invincibility from Ranged attacks, ranged attack will not do any damage. This does not work against TS, Nova, FoH, etc. Does work against Orb, Guided Arrow, Double throw, etc. Basically anything auto aimed by the game will do damage to you. Anything that does melee damage(valkerye, mercenary, an occulus) will wear off the affects of invincibilty from ranged attacks. The melee attack does not have to connect to have the same affect, just any swing by a meleeist will make it wear off.

-This high damaging two handed build was meant to take out opponents in one fury. All Fury Werewolves & Zealots focus on a good combination of leech/damage to slowly chop your life down. If the gods of deadly strike, shield blocking, and dmg rolling are in your favor, you will take out All opponents in ONE good fury.
-Make sure you always do atleast a 9/5/5/5/5 fury, see the ias weapon type speeds below
-When you run, your wolves run aswell. When you walk your wolves move at a slower pace.
-Poison Creeper cannot be killed by another player
-You can use a switch such as flesh renderer and lidless wall to boost werewolf/lycanthropy/how/oak when shifting but it does not work on summons such as poison creeper, ravens, wolves etc
-Oak and HoW once summoned with a plus skills switch, such as flesh renderer and lidless wall, at a higher level will stay at that level as long as the aura is in affect. Switching back to your normal weapon while the aura is still present will not cause the bonuses to revert back to their current weaker level. The only way your bonuses will revert to a lower level is if the aura goes away for even a split second. Therefore oak healing will revert you to your normal level. Casting a higher oak with +skills switch, shifting, going outside, switching to the weapon, and replacing the oak with a lower level oak will not affect the bonuses. The aura acts as a sort of fuel that keeps the first applied bonus running. Blizzard could have made the aura like the paladin's auras, in which they pulse to the current level every 12 seconds but chose not to.
-AR is your lowest attribute, I myself prefer 36ar charms to 3max/20ar charms & 132ar/40+Life charms to Shapeshifting/40+Life charms. If you duel with less than 6k ar, i suggest investing points in DEX. 1 point in dex = 4AR
-The charms make the druid.
-This game works off Frames. There are 25 Frames per second in this game, this is not important. Even if u have a nice 3Dacc card and when you type "fps" in game it reports 100frames, the game still runs off 25 frames, it's just your computer showing them visually nicer and extending each real frame into 4 frames.
-What's important is Fury is made up of one initial swing and four furious swings. The first is slower and is the actual normal swing of a wolf's swing attacks. Normal Attack speed = Feral Rage Attack speed = First Fury Attack speed.
-PVP Fury druids usually swing between 9/5 and 6/4. I usually use "9/5/5/5/5" to say my speed out of habit, but it means the same thing: first swing is comprised of 9 frames and the last four are comprised of 5 frames.
-The only thing that affects fury speed is Increased Attack Speed ON the weapon. Yes Attack speed increases from the Werewolf skill does affect it but we max it because the 15%AR per level is too damn good. The increased attack speed from the WW skill nullifies the affects of any ias outside(oias) the weapon, when concerning pvp viable speeds.

Here is the eye-balled & assumed attack speed table for fury of 2-handed weapons of various base speeds, OIAS is across the top, WIAS is down the left. Remember, Standard/Fury/Fury/Fury/Fury.

Two-Handed Axes/Mauls/Polearms/Staves with Base Weapon Speed 20
Elite: Archon Staff, Thunder Maul

Standard Attack Animation Length

-- 00 05 10 15 20 25 30 35
0 20 20 19 19 18 18 17 17
5 19 18 17 17 17 16 16 16
10 16 16 15 15 15 14 14 14
15 15 14 14 14 14 14 14 14
20 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14
25 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13
30 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
35 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11
40 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11
45 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
50 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
55 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
60 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
65 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
70 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
75 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
80 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8

Fury Attack Animation Length

-- 00 05 10 15 20 25 30 35
0 12 11 11 11 11 10 10 10
5 11 10 10 10 10 10 9 9
10 9 9 9 9 9 8 8 8
15 9 9 8 8 8 8 8 8
20 9 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
25 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
30 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
35 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
40 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
45 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
50 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
55 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
60 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
65 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
70 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
75 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
80 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

Two-Handed Axes/Mauls/Polearms/Staves with Weapon Speed 10
Elite: Colossus Voulge, Cryptic Axe, Decapitator, Elder Staff, Glorious Axe, Ogre Axe, Ogre Maul

Standard Attack Animation Length

-- 00 05 10 15 20 25
0 16 16 15 15 14 14
5 15 14 14 14 14 14
10 14 14 14 14 14 14
15 13 13 13 13 13 13
20 12 12 12 12 12 12
25 11 11 11 11 11 11
30 11 11 11 11 11 11
35 10 10 10 10 10 10
40 10 10 10 10 10 10
45 9 9 9 9 9 9
50 9 9 9 9 9 9
55 9 9 9 9 9 9
60 9 9 9 9 9 9
65 8 8 8 8 8 8
70 8 8 8 8 8 8
75 8 8 8 8 8 8
80 8 8 8 8 8 8

Fury Attack Animation Length

-- 00 05 10 15 20 25
0 9 9 9 9 8 8
5 9 8 8 8 8 8
10 8 8 8 8 8 8
15 8 8 8 8 8 8
20 7 7 7 7 7 7
25 7 7 7 7 7 7
30 7 7 7 7 7 7
35 6 6 6 6 6 6
40 6 6 6 6 6 6
45 6 6 6 6 6 6
50 6 6 6 6 6 6
55 5 5 5 5 5 5
60 5 5 5 5 5 5
65 5 5 5 5 5 5
70 5 5 5 5 5 5
75 5 5 5 5 5 5
80 5 5 5 5 5 5

Two-Handed Axes/Mauls/Polearms/Staves with Weapon Speed 0
Elite: Great Poleaxe, Shillelah, Silver Edged Axe, Stalagmite

Standard Attack Animation Length

0 14
5 13
10 12
15 11
20 11
25 10
30 10
35 9
40 9
45 9
50 9
55 8
60 8
65 8
70 8
75 7
80 7

Fury Attack Animation Length

0 8
5 8
10 7
15 7
20 7
25 6
30 6
35 6
40 6
45 5
50 5
55 5
60 5
65 5
70 5
75 4
80 4

Two-Handed Axes/Mauls/Polearms/Staves with Weapon Speed -10
Elite: Champion Axe, Giant Thresher, Thresher, Walking Stick

Standard Attack Animation Length

0 12
5 11
10 11
15 10
20 10
25 9
30 9
35 9
40 9
45 8
50 8
55 8
60 8
65 7
70 7
75 7
80 6

Fury Attack Animation Length

0 7
5 7
10 7
15 6
20 6
25 6
30 6
35 5
40 5
45 5
50 5
55 5
60 5
65 4
70 4
75 4
80 4

Faster Hit Recovery

Fhr = faster hit recovery from charms/gear
efhr = effective faster hit recovery(unimportant)

The below is incorrect, it is the old and eyeballed faster hit recovery table. Everything listed in the regarding fhr and fbr at this time is incorrect.
Druid Base = 7 frames
18%FHR = 6 frames
48%FHR = 5 frames
125%FHR = 4 frames

I recommend 6frames for 86%FHR. Recently until today, june 22nd, I have been using the Old & incorrect fhr tables.


-={PVP Strategy}=-

I'm going over strategies Before weapons/stats/skills because it is easier to explain the inventory of weapons/stats/skills afterwards. These strategies are based on semi-legit opponents. I have not mastered thawing potions yet, so i will not mention them and suggest CNBF in every situation unless you are absolutely determined on standing still in a duel -- they ARE perfectly fair imo & there's nothing restricting the other person from using them except their own stupidity.


These three difficulties represent the overall challenge of an opponent of the same caliber's build, regardless of how skillful you are & regardless of how well you studied this genious' guides, comparative to the difficulty of all the other builds you could possibly fight. In otherwords, if you have poor clicking abilities, are slow at reacting and are mildly retarded, fighting a tweaker WW baba would be even harder but if you are excellent at clicking, very experienced and have great gaming reflexes--it would still be hard. Likewise easy would be easy.

Oak healing is perfectly ok. Just know how it works, it only heals after the deceased oak's aura wears off. It's not a bug, a flaw in design maybe but blizzard game designers did code it to heal when casted it that way. Use oak healing whenever possible.

You will have one of the three switch combos on at all times:
Flesh Renderer & Lidless Wall
KoKoKoKoKoKo Gemmed Crystal Sword & Ko Whinstans
MDR12 Moonfall & Crafted 10%Magic Resistence + MDR5 Safety crafted shield(Mal)

When fighting melee and elemental
Have a lidless and flesh renderer on the switch to shift because it will give you an added 4 levels of lycanthropy and werewolf. Some have a +3 shapeshifting amulet and jalal's in their stash to preshift but personally i think that's retarded. They might aswell keep an Arkaine, sojs and 10x shapeshifting charms in the stash and switch it all if they're going to do that. Why do it half-assed when you can be a full ass? :O Only keep the flesh renderer and lidless on switch to shift! only shift with whatever u can carry that round.

When fighting opponents with any ranged physical attack
Always have your Gemmed Crystal Sword on when not attacking, the ko rune gives dex, dex = better % blocking. You'd have between 30-40% chance to block, but it's better than nothing. I've already calculated it with the block formula, and for my level of dex the Ko runed whinstans give me the best blocking chances. For you it may be an Eld blackoak luna or Ko black oak luna or an Eld whinstans or a Ko whinstans. Youll just have to calculate for yourself, look in the Arreat summit's basics tab for the formula. Use it when running or walking, When running chance to block is reduced 1/3. You get full block while walking or standing still.

When fighting a Necromancer with bonespirit
Strap on that moonfall & Safety shield, magic damage reduced by 3 is a suffix you can recieve on shields, and you could get an additional 2 from the auto affix from the Safety recipe. Bone spirit does very little damage alone but with Lower resistence could chop you down in as little as 10 bone spirits, the shield + monfall seems insignificant but every little bit helps.

Be sure to not attack with your switches on. You will swing seriously slow and that will open up a 2 second window of opportunity for the opponent to end you.

VS. Whirlwind/Berserk Barbarians(tweaker) HARD

6%ll gloves
40/15max shaft
string of ears
gore riders
08 Highlord's
1x11%ll ring
1x Raven Frost
150% faster run walk in small charms
Flesh Renderer + Lidless wall
50%fhr in small charms

Never stand there and duke it out, no matter how much life and how much damage you have(i have the most dmg/life on west, been there, done that). Don't feel bad, no other meleeist can take a barbarian of equal caliber either. It has been suggested that you can beat them by standing in a corner therefore limiting their whirling. Maybe if both of you are equally weak you can, but if you're both strong, you have no chance. I've tried the corner trick on many pvp builds. Doesn't work. If you can beat them in the corner you can beat them out of the corner. Good ones leech and hit too much(especially with their Eth rune) and you don't hit them often enough because of their high defence. Their defence is what kills you. Oh, also their bugged 100% Critical Strike helps in the killing process.

-Objective is to not get hit, hence only one 11%ll ring and faster run walk
-Play around the pit holes of the Blood moor. They Provide small terrain--making them want to whirl more. Be quick but careful
-Do not summon spirit wolves, they are just vulnerable leech.
-Summon Ravens and Poison Creeper
-Always be on Run
-Only use walk if he does not use Eth bug
-Hotkey to walk only when his whirlwind looks like it'll catch you, do not do as others suggest and switch to walk ALL the time
-Pro barbarians learn that you will come in close when they stop whirling, because they think you think they've ran out of mana.
-Novice & regular barbarians dont always know or remember such things and are more courageous and whirl as long as they think they have a shot at snagging you.

VS. Whirlwind/Concentration Barbarians HARD

6%ll gloves
40/15max shaft
string of ears
gore riders
08 Highlord's
1x11%ll ring
1x Raven Frost
150% faster run walk in small charms
Flesh Renderer + Lidless wall
50%fhr in small charms

These are by far a harder opponent than the cookie cutter build. Concentration is uninterruptable and therefore they can leech enough mana in one concentrated hit to begin whirling you to death again. With such they can also limit your ability to fury by constantly interrupting you when you are 2/5ths or 1/5th done with your fury. If they keep concentrating, depending on their level of defence you could die. The problem is they all use Eth bug, but their fastest attack is 9frames so you would always atleast get a hit in if you are not put through FHR animation.

-Step back a few yards, let them approach since they've locked on you(this is where your 150% frw comes in handy--- you can step back easier/shorter) shift+fury them as they approach. Their defence drops to zero when they are running making them a much easier target to hit, and most don't remember or don't know to be on walk when facing you.
-If they whirl don't try to make them run out of mana, theyll leech it back with concentration.

VS. BvB Barbarians HARD

LO Buriza
Circlet with 30% faster run walk + skills, Enhanced dmg, +5%ar per char level with dex(you need 20more dex total to meet the requirements of the buriza, get it from gloves/circlet/armor)[40/15%ias]
20%ias crafted gloves with dex(up to 15 dex can spawn)
160/60max Light class armor(with a dex suffix, up to 15 dex can spawn)
m'avina's belt
gore riders
08 Highlord's
2x Raven Frost
200% faster run walk in small charms

You'll know these when you see these, 160/60 armor, big sword(usually black or ethereal), ss, vampgaze. they SHOULD be pure whirlwind, very pro players, pumped up strength for damage, all ETH users, 2.5k life, high high high defence & leech. Absolutely no chance going melee against these guys. These are pure melee exterminators. You are a pure melee. Unlike all their other PvP variants, BvB barbs would not usually invest much in increased speed...

-Teach your dog a new trick: Have him deshift, strap on a buriza, lose all DR gear and have him shapeshift into a runner zon.
-One hit is death no matter what. One hit leads to fhr, which opens a window for another hit which then results in death. 5k life or 2k life does not matter. You must not be hit even once.
-If you are in good terms with your god, pray for no desyncs.
-Don't let him get within half a screen's distance.
-You have 360%FRW, but if he manages to whirl close to you, but you dodge it get a half a screen's disance and aim one centimeter infront of the direction he's whirling and continue firing in that line of his whirling, one centimeter infront. They usually don't over click the distance at which they whirl-- their whirling should be about 5-6 centimeters.

VS. Hybrid Javababas HARD

6%ll gloves
40/15max shaft
string of ears
gore riders
08 Highlord's
1x11%ll ring
1x Raven Frost
150% faster run walk in small charms
50%fhr in small charms
KOKOKOKOKOKO Crystal Sword & KO Whinstan's on switch

They are hard because they are basically whirlers and as such you use the same gear setup as you would against a cookie cutter whirler. Their Javababa side is no problem

Javalins move slowly through the air(well, slow compared to your 210% faster run walk) you can dodge all of them. Infact sorceresses with 20% faster run walk running in circles 8 yards away could dodge javelins. Remember what every javelin looks like when a barbarian is wielding it & remember the maximum possible stack size for each type. When you duel them start counting. Youll eventually get to the ones that act like they ran out only to spring a dozen on your butt and knock you back when you advance on them. The pro hybrids learn to react quickly when you are close, switching from a java throwing mindstate to a whirling mindstate quicker than you can advance from 3yards away to 1yard away. Hybrids are cocky and will try to take a meleer out with javs to show off and only resort to whirlwind as a last means. They will resort to whirlwind after they feel your thundermaul if it's the first match.

There's also currently a bug, when a barbarian is equipt with an "irregular" ammount of ias one javelin depletes a lot quicker than the other. this happened to me with 55%ias when i had a javababa. Counting helps, but if they followed the guides to the dot, they run out of one javelin earlier, which is good for you-- somewhat.

Javelins do quite a bit of damage in the right hands. I fired my javelins at 9frames per second when i had a pure thrower. that means 4.5 frames per attack. be careful.

-Objective is to not get hit, hence only one 11%ll ring and faster run walk
-Play in open space. If they were smart they'd try to lure you into swiss cheese areas.
-Summon a spirit wolf when you need a meat shield, dont exhaust your mana. Dont use the summons as shields when you are at 2/3rds of the baba's view radius or closer. you wouldn't cast them fast to enough to be of use, and your slow casting would make you easy prey.
-Summon Ravens and Poison Creeper
-Keep your blocking switch on as you approach/dodge. You have two choices: to get the upper hand on them by advancing them quickly and hope your hits are good enough to kill them before they realize to switch to ww and finish you off or wait until they run out of javs and take them on as whirlers.
-Hybrids have 32% less DR adding on to their decreased defence and lack of blocking when in throwing mode because of their 160/60max armors, if you get the upper hand on them you could very well take them out in ONE GOOD Fury.
-Your life orb will go to full after leeching off these 32%less DR morsels.
-Don't walk. fyi They have a 1 in 10 chance of hitting you when you are walking, hybrids = Shitty AR unless they use a duped 08 arreats. It's still safer to just dodge the javs by runnings. If you are in an avoidable situation, stuck between a pit and a javelin with another approaching right at you with no space to dodge,set on walk and try to side step it.
-If they are out of javelins and you are SURE they are out of javelins(you see them with plain fists) approach them as you would a WW baba(see above)
-They can leech enough mana in one double throw to whirl you to death and make all your efforts of an offensive futile.

VS. Pure JavaBabas MEDIUM

6%ll gloves
40/15max shaft
string of ears
gore riders
08 Highlord's
1x11%ll ring
1x Raven Frost
150% faster run walk in small charms
50%fhr in small charms
KOKOKOKOKOKO Crystal Sword & KO Whinstan's on switch

This will be a mind game. These guys have more skill at throwing than a hybrid. They have more life than a hybrid. They are fast too, usually 14 points into Increased Speed, enough to run away & reposition. Hybrids are relaxed and carefree. Pure Javababas are eccentric crackheads. When i was a pure javababa no hybrid could EVER beat me. they had better sticks and an 08 arreat and still couldnt beat me. But enough about me...

-Do not summon spirit wolves
-You wont get block locked as they can often do to shield wielding opponents with full block.
-They have very good aim and skilled ones can predict where you go. Don't bother counting javs -- they make every shot count.
-they have a bit more life than a hybrid because of +6 warcries in their switch.
-Most don't know how to run or find it futile to someone as fast as you(even though chances are they're faster)
-If they are decent, they would know to carry some knockback gloves and use them on you.
-You have a 50/50 chance of being knocked back to where you started.
-You have no choice but to follow them into the swiss cheese portion of the blood moor. :O
-Don't walk. fyi They have a 1 in 10 chance of hitting you when you are walking, hybrids = Shitty AR unless they use a duped 08 arreats. It's still safer to just dodge the javs by runnings. If you are in an avoidable situation, stuck between a pit and a javelin with another approaching right at you with no space to dodge,set on walk and try to side step it.
-Two ways to go, lock or weave
-Click and get a lock on them If you are in the swiss cheese and relentlessly follow them. If you don't try anything(that you think would help), you will get them.
-If you are in open space, weave or zig zag towards them and if they are not skilled enough to throw javs at where you'd be then you win.
-If you weave and they are skilled then they could very well chip your life to nothing. You advance 4, get knockbacked 3, etc etc, until you're a yard away and drop right before them
-Once you get in by either weaving or locking then they are done. Most will try and run away, just pursue and pray they don't have an insane ammount of walk run added on to their high levels of increased speed. They cannot beat you duking it out unless they utilize the eth bug of the 08 arreat's.
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ouroboros is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-betweenouroboros is neither ape nor machine; has so far settled for the in-between