Thread: i dun get it
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Posted 2003-03-19, 09:12 AM in reply to qwerty12345's post "i dun get it"
WetWired said:
I've got news for you, Acer, HTML is not a programming language, it's a markup language. The defining charactoristic of a programming language is that it describes a proccess. HTML doesn't describe a proccess, it describes a rendered webpage. Javascript, on the other hand does qualify as a programming language.
I know it isnt a language, I never said it was. I said people new to programming should learn it. Its basic and helps in understanding concept IMHO.
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Acer enjoys the static noises of ten television sets simultaneously tuned to 412.84 MHzAcer enjoys the static noises of ten television sets simultaneously tuned to 412.84 MHz