Posted 2003-01-18, 07:27 AM
in reply to "CRØNîC-KîLLå"'s post "Have any Guide(s)?"
Heres a few I made a long time ago, they are still the 1's i use today tho:
Ok...most of the time for cowing zons Java Zons would be your best bet...but with the right gear a bowazon can kill faster then a Javazon...I will list a build for both of them and u can decide which 1 you like better....list your comments and changes below.
This kind of zon is my preffered type..due to the fact you don't need much mana or mana leach, and its more fun shootin cows then throwing sticks at them .
Base Mana(with mana leech this will not be a problems period)
135 Strength(This is enough strength to use every bow in the game....as of 0.9)
100 Vitality(you need enough health that u can stand a hit or two..incase a moster gets by your shots)
rest of points in DEX(DEX gives zons pure damage, like STR gives barbs damage. DEX also gives Attack Rating[AR] without Attack Rating you will be lucky to hit one cow.)
Max Guided(you dont want to have to watse all the time shooting multis at a single cow)
Max Multi Arrow(The best cow killing Bowazon skill there is in my opinion)
Max Critical Strike(This gives chance to do double your regular damage..so instead of 1000-2000 you might do 2000-4000)
Lvl One Peirce(this is not required with a razortail because of the peirce mod)
Max Dodge(so the cows have next to no chance of hitting you, which wil save you if you are lagging etc.)
Max Penetrate(Adds % to AR...very much needed for cows)
Weapon: Buriza or Goldstrike Arch
Armor: 60 Increased attack speed armor(4 socket armor with 4 15% IAS jewels)
Helm: Vampgaze
Belt: Razortail
Rings: 2 Perfect Ravens
Boots: Waterwalks
Gloves: and gloves with IAS and Knockback(KB)
Amulet: Cats Eye Amulet or Highlords Wrath...Cats Eye will help more (you already have critical strike which is pretty much the same as deadly)
Weapon: Ith Crusader/Hydra bow with 440 Enhnaced Damage and 110 IAS..or Winforce with 40/15 IAS or Cham rune
Armor: 160 Enhanced Damage 60 Increased attack speed armor(best bet would be archon or dusk shroud)
Helm: 120 Enhanced Damage 45 IAS Bone Visage
Belt: Razortail
Rings: 1 Perfect Raven and 1 Corruption grip/Viper Whorl
Boots: Waterwalks...or Horadric Hacked boots wuld be good
Gloves: 20% Ias Knockback gloves..with Life or mana leech if you want
Amulet: Cats Eye Ammy...CliffKiller ammy if you can afford
Many peoples preferred zon..due to its possible enourmous attack power and quick cow killing.
Max Lightning Fury (Easily the best cow killing skill out there)
Max Critical Strike (This gives chance to do double your regular damage..so instead of 1000-2000 you might do 2000-4000)
Max Dodge (So the cows have next to no chance of hitting you, which wil save you if you are lagging etc.)
Max Penetrate (Adds % to AR...very much needed for cows)
Max Peirce(very much needed in all parts of the game)
Rest Of Points In Valkerie(good distraction for when u pwn those cows)
Base Mana(with mana leech this will not be a problems period)
156 Strength(Enough Strength For StormShield)
100 Vitality(you need enough health that u can stand a hit or two..incase a moster gets by your shots)
rest of points in DEX(DEX gives zons pure damage, like STR gives barbs damage. DEX also gives Attack Rating[AR] without Attack Rating you will be lucky to hit one cow.)
Weapon: Titans
Armor: 60 IAS Armor(4 socket armor with 4 15% ias jewels)
Helm: Vampgaze
Belt: Thundergods
Rings: 2 Perfect Raven Frosts
Boots: Waterwalks
Gloves: 20 IAS +2 Java-Zon skills
Ammy: Cats Eye Ammy
Shield: Stormshield
Weapon: Perfect Etheral Titans
Armor: 160 Enhanced Damage 60 IAS(archon or duskshroud would be best)
Helm: 120 Enhanced Damage 45 IAS Bone Visage
Belt: Thundergods
Rings: 1 Perfect Raven and 1 Corruption grip/Viper Whorl
Boots: Waterwalks...or Horadric Hacked boots wuld be good
Gloves: 20 IAS +2 Java-Zon skills
Shield: 160 Enhanced Damage 60 IAS Monarch
Use this merc for all of the builds- Act 2 NIGHTMARE Offensive(MIGHT) With your choice of gear..keep in mind that Damage Reduce dont not take affect on mercs and that u should go for stuff with high Defense
This is an excellent druid build in my opinion..i dont use druids very often but then i do this is the way i go :
200 Strength(enough for stormshield+ Strength gives damage on druids which is helpin)
240 Dex(This'll give ya maxed blocking and crazy AR..sometimes even with good AR druids dont get a good clean hit)
Base Energy
Rest of your points in Vitality
Maxed Werewolf
Maxed Lyncthropy(forget how to spell)
Maxed Fury
Maxed Oak Sage/Spirit of Wolverine(what ya like better? health or damag)
1 point Feral Rage
Sparewhatever you think will help...might want heart of the wolverine for whatever reason
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Points in
Weapon- Baranars Star
Armor- Shaftstop
Helm- Vampgaze or Jala's Mane
Rings- 1 Raven Frost and a Life Leach ring
Amulet- Cats Eye Ammy or Highlords..whichever you prefer
Belt- String Of Ears or Thundergods
Shield- Stormshield
Boots- Immortal Kings
Gloves- Immortal Kings
Weapon- Fury Fanged Knife or Ith weapon
Armor- Shaftstop
Helm- Perfect Vampgaze 0.8/0.9 with a 40/15 max jewel
Rings- Perfect Raven Frost and a 11 LL ring with life
Amulet- Cats Eye Ammy or Highlords..whichever you prefer
Belt- String Of Ears or Thundergods
Shield- Stormshield
Boots- Immortal Kings
Gloves- Immortal Kings
20 Small Vita Charms
10 Small Inertia Charms(Run/Walk)
A few Small Poison Charms(Poison is Vital when you are dealing with melee characters cause with zons etc they can leach the damage u do back..poison constantly brings them down and makes them low enuff for a single attack kill the next time)
This is a good azn build...tell me if you have any suggestions or comments below.or PM me and ill be glad to answer any questions
Base Energy
156 Strength
250 Dex(For max blocking..and DEX gives damage for azns..just like amazons)
Rest of your points in Vitality
Max Tiger Strike
Max Dragon Flight
Max Claw Mastery
Max Shadow Master
Max Burst Of Speed
Rest of your points in Death Sentry(for faster cow killing with the corpse explode)
Weapon- Nats Claw or a Cruel high dmg Claw
Armor- Shaftstop
Helm- Perfect Vampgaze
Boots- Waterwalks or Aldurs Boots
Gloves- 20% IAS +2 Martial Arts gloves
Belt- String Of Ears
Rings: Raven Frost and a Corruption Grip/Viper Whorl
Amulet: Cats Eye Amulet or Highlords..Highlords would probably work better
Shield: StormShield
And special request for nova i guess i can right 1 now i guess
156 strength (for stormshield)
220 Dex(for max blocking)
Pump Vitality
Base Energy
Max Nova
Max TS
Max Orb
Max Light Mastery
1 Point in Cold Mastery(this is preference more or less depending on what u want, NOTE: Cold Mastery does not give u damage, it simply lowers the resist of another character, making orb do more dmg, if the character still has max resist after this affect, this skill will not help.)
2 occy rings(for all around)
Wizard Spike(duels)
Shako(all around)
Tgods(all around)
Frostburns(all around, these are key for the lack of mana from stat build)
Waterwalks/Soul Spurs/Grim Spurs(all around)
Tals ammy(all around, need the mana and life)
5 Light resist charms(all around)
5 Cold Resist Charms(all around)
10 20 life sc's with second mods , FHR is key.